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UV map tips


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Yes, there are several good techniques for making UV maps. There are many ways to "unwrap" your model but no single option will work best...you usually have to apply multiple techniques in combinations to get the best result.


Sometimes using only seams and pinning can work...other times you really need to unwrap using bound to view, cylinder, etc.


I've been working on putting together a UV mapping tutorial for some time now but as I learn new ways of doing things, the old ways seem stupid to me and I would feel embarrassed to release such a crappy technique in order to avoid new modelers starting off with bad habits because of me.


I have quite a few good ideas but it's taking a while to organize it into a tutorial.


When it's all said and done, it is usually a balance between providing the best non-stretching UV map something a texture artist could actually use as well as not causing too many unsightly seams.


For now, go to this Blender Video Tutorial Page and download the video called "LSCM UV Mapping" which will give you a good start for an understanding on the subject.



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