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Help me get up to date with settlement modding?


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So, just starting to set up mods and play F4 again. I'm seeing all kinds of awesome new stuff and would like to try it out. Just hoping you guys can help me with a few answers first.


Is SKE still the main workshop categories mod? Are there any new ones I should stay away from that are incompatible with it? I have seen a few others, so just want to make sure I get my mods correct. (I like to build - a lot - so this is important.)


Also, I'm planning on using Horizon. Any old mods I should stay away from that would be too incompatible with it? I don't mind stuff getting overwritten. I'm worried about crash problems. For instance, I know Horizon uses a new leveled list system - could I still use Minutemen Overhaul 2.0 with it? I don't think I could live without my snazzy Minutes.

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I just started a new character with SimSettlements, and loving it so far.


SKE seems to be active at least, though I'm not using it. I think it was considered deprecated for a while, which lead many mod developers to drop support for it.

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Is there anything that replaced it?


And yeah - I'm very excited to try out SimSettlements, but I want to build stuff on my own as well (especially because Horizon has a cool little rewards system in place for settlement building).

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Sim Settlements is great and you can mix it with normal settlement building. you don't have to use it for every building in a settlement, or even use it at all if the settlement doesn't suit zoning plots (hangman's alley is too small, twisty and cramped to zone).


Northland Digger's Resources is full of great stuff

Vanilla Extensions is another must have IMO

Thematic and Practical is another I recommend

Reneer's Radio Mod is useful if you want to choose what is playing on the various radios in settlements and the Commonwealth

Connectable Electricpoles is another you might find useful

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Okay, so the vanilla extensions - I really want to use that, but it needs 'The Master Plan' to work. Is that incompatible with SKE? Should I even be using SKE at this point? I'd ideally like to use a bunch of stuff - Homemaker, Settlement Objects Expansion Pack, vanilla extensions, thematic and practical, norhland diggers, snappy house kit, business settlements, busy settlers, gruffy DD's signs, housekeeping, box houses, and more...

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SKE is no longer necessary for many mods as most are now script injected and therefore do not have compatibility issues. Anything with a script injection though does require item or holotape use to uninstall correctly.


Master Plan doesn't require SKE but can use it if you select that option on install.


A new mod called settlement menu manager is slowly being integrated which basically allows mod makers to use the script injection method without the worry of incorrect uninstall methods.


I'm personally using SKE for a small number of older mods that require it as they are not using script injection. Also currently have homemaker, vanilla extensions, Snappy housekit, SOE, Housekeeping- scavenging deluxe, sandbag fortifications, ssex, as my main object adding mods at the moment.


Also worth looking at: workshop rearranged, settlement management software, G2M workshop, Northland diggers, thematic and practical

Edited by pickers101
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