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[LE] Removing animation behaviors

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Hey guys n gals.


Quick question:

A part of my upcoming mod will involve new powers and summons.

I have a "Conjure Mud Crab Pack" and "Conjure Giant Mud Crab" spell, all is working fine so far (it took a while to work out how to temporarily increase summon limit without affecting other spells).


The issue I am having with these particular spells is that the mud crabs have a "dig in" animation where they disguise themselves as rocks when idle by sinking below the ground level a bit.

I am hoping to remove this behavior, but only from the summoned mud crabs, not all of them.


The only place I can see this listed anywhere in the CK is under the animations tab but I cant modify this at all, only view what is there.


I am thinking it is probably something tied in to the NIF itself and the CK is only showing me what HKX files exist on it, but since this is something I have never dealt with before I thought i'd around before I start butchering NIF files; they really aren't my strong suit.


Any ideas on how I can stop this animation from firing? It takes them too long to get back up so I'd prefer to just remove that entire "Dig in" behavior.



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