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Skyrim - True Holdings - Total Overhaul


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[Logo coming when I can be bothered]


True Holdings

Welcome to Skyrim - True Holdings.

The first aim of this mod is to fix the mistakes Bethesda made with various quests in Skyrim by allowing the player to pay large sums of money to 'restore' homes and regions used in quests. Helgen and Riftweald Manor have been my learning experiences for such a task and will be integrated into the main mod soon, then be updated and integrated with vanilla quests so that you can actually 'upgrade' them. I've only recently worked out how 'upgades' work though, and am still not sure on this.

I will also eventually be overhauling each of Skyrim's political holdings. I've never understood why the cities are so tiny when the regions owned by each holding are massive. I've also never understood why 'The Rift' is bigger than Skyrim's capital's holding, Solitude. I'll be completely overhauling each area. I plan to integrate Morthal with Solitude in order to increase Solitude's general size. This makes sense to me, especially after the civil war, as the capital needs as much hold over Skyrim as it can get. I'll also be adding multiple forts around Skyrim in order to represent military control after the civil war.

Now, here's where you come in.

In order to achieve such great a task, I'll need the help of community members. Of course, it is possible to achieve goals alone, as is represented by my currently unshown Helgen update. However, with the help of community members, I'd like to halve the time taken to achieve the goals set out by this project.

With your help, I'd like to achieve the following goals:

These goals may change at any time:

  • Set quest regions such as Helgen, Riftweald Manor, and various caves as player homes once quests are completed, and allow repairs and upgrades to these homes.
  • Completely overhaul each holding, and expand Solitude into Morthal. Allow repairs for Winterhold after a few weeks from when the player visits.
  • Overhaul various creatures. Making giants actually 'friendly' unless attacked, setting wolves to be afraid of magic, setting wildlife to be faster than the player unless whirlwind sprint is used, etc.
  • Set Jarl Elisif to actually become High Queen after the civil war.
  • Improve Imperial support after the civil war. After they've taken over Skyrim, they should send in squads of soldiers to sort out Skyrim's criminal and wildlife problems. Dragons and other dangerous creatures should not be allowed once the Empire's in power. The Thieves' Guild and Dark Brotherhood should also have to fight to survive in an Imperial country.
  • Improve Thieves' Guild and Dark Brotherhood's power after a certain amount of time. When they're supposedly rich and powerful, they should actually be RICH AND POWERFUL. Not only their central headquarters should be affected by the player's work, but all of Skyrim should fear a Dovahkiin-run guild!


What I need from you:

New armour for each faction. The guards shouldn't be identical, especially after the civil war. I'm not an expert with 3D modelling so help on this part would be greatly appreciated.

Script help. I'm almost entirely a newbie when it comes to scripting, so assistance with scripting would be greatly appreciated and would speed up work with this mod greatly.

While I'm completing the first goal, I'd like you to start work on a seperate .esm file and work on a different goal. We can then communicate and offer input on each other's progress.


Unfortunately, the Creation Kit has no support for group work that I know of, so these are the only things I can think of that I currently need help with.



P.S. I'll post images of my current progress soon.

Edited by Garagorn888
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I would like to suggest removing the beating up Riften merchants to join the thieves guild and have some other quest in its place. I thought doing that quest was the stupidest quest idea yet. It's thieves guild not the mafia. They would want to keep there presence in the city quiet so guards dont start cracking down on them. Also on par with that, have quests to get rid of those random "thief" characters. They give the guild a bad reputation and make it well know that the guild is in Riften. Tied in together that the guild protects the city then the Jarl and guards would not want to do anything about them.
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I would like to suggest removing the beating up Riften merchants to join the thieves guild and have some other quest in its place. I thought doing that quest was the stupidest quest idea yet. It's thieves guild not the mafia. They would want to keep there presence in the city quiet so guards dont start cracking down on them. Also on par with that, have quests to get rid of those random "thief" characters. They give the guild a bad reputation and make it well know that the guild is in Riften. Tied in together that the guild protects the city then the Jarl and guards would not want to do anything about them.



If I'm understanding you correctly, your second idea is actually a brilliant idea.

The first quest of the Thieves' Guild is set up by Mercer and Brynjolf though, remember. They're the less 'innocent' members of the Thieves' Guild and care little for the guild's full safety. They just do what amuses them, attacking citizens whenever they wish. I might try to set up some NPCs in the guild that are 'against' Mercer and Brynjolf's methods in order to put the point across that they're not a full representation of the guild's innocence.


However, after the player's taken over the guild, it would make perfect sense for the player to have 'favourable' regions. I think Riften is awesome myself, so I'd love to 'protect' the city, and gain the trust of the guards so that I may do whatever illegal activities I wish.

It would be even cooler if I set it up so that there are tunnels between each city. These tunnels would make sense due to the fact 'magicka' exists.

Then, if you gained the trust of a city and promised not to maintain any illegal activities within a city, the guards could allow you to use these tunnels and gain access to other cities without any interference and maintain illegal activities throughout Skyrim, using one city as a main hub.


Thank you very much for this idea. I'll certainly be utilizing it in my mod. :)


Oh and I'll see if I can give the random 'thief' characters a seperate armour set to other guild members so that they seem more like 'common thieves'. I think that was the idea that Bethesda was trying to put across, making it seem like there were other thieves seperate from the guild, but I can see how the similar armour can confuse you. So, yes I will try to get them some seperate armour. ;)

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