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Falkreath CTD on high/ultra graphic settings


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So I'm running my modded skyrim se on 60 fps stable in every place thanks to meh321 recent fix.

Weird stuff happened when I reached Falkreath. I got random CTD's when I was walking around city or tried to enter places.

At first I tought it was mod related, and disabled all mods and started new game and problem persisted.

Then I tried to lower graphic settings and it helped, at low/medium I didn't get any CTD's anymore, when I increased graphic settings to high it CTD in some places random, but when I put on ultra settings I got CTD even when I walk near Falkreath or fasttraveled there.


Any ideas? Ghetto fix would be just whenever I need something from Falkreath just lowering graphic settings, but that isn't a solution in my opinion.


EDIT: Papyrus logs gave this at the end, any ideas?


error: Unable to call UnregisterForAnimationEvent - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].UDBattleReady.UnregisterForAnimationEvent() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].UDBattleReady.OnEffectFinish() - "UDBattleReady.psc" Line 218
[07/05/2017 - 10:12:36AM] VM is freezing...
[07/05/2017 - 10:12:36AM] VM is frozen
[07/05/2017 - 10:12:36AM] Saving game...
Edited by hardinsskyrim
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So I did fresh reinstall of Skyrim SE, installed only Unofficial Skyrim Patch and Alternate Start (to help get immedietly to Falkreath) and same problem persists, on low/ medium settings game runs stable, on high/ultra when I attempt to walk or enter/ exit some buildings game CTD

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  • 1 month later...

get a stronger pc then falkreach and the rift is very demanding areas

my pc is super strong and can run everything smoothly with 80 mods and ENB with no problem but get CTD when trying to enter ivarstead

this only happens when the game is on ultra

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Use Skyrim Performance Monitor to see what is happening.


If it is a hardware problem you will see one of the graphs go through the roof right before the CTD. Also check how much ram you are using while the game is running.


Papyrus logs can show trends over time when 2 or 3 mods conflict but the only remedy is to change the load order, find a patch or remove the mod. You need to identify the mods/scripts first.


Your problem sounds like a resource issue. Not a mod conflict.


We all mod our games until we break them. Sometimes we need to back off until we get better hardware. I am doing that now.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I don't know if you fixed it or not, or if others might be looking for an answer to this, but I had the exact same issue. I spent weeks and months trying to find an answer to this, and figured it out today. For me the problem was the cleaned .esm files that I cleaned through SSEEdit. I simply removed the cleaned versions from the overwrite folder, and the problem was solved. Which, after I spent hours picking apart my 100+ mod list, didn't even make me mad. Since I did that, the game has yet to crash, regardless of graphics setting, area or resolution.

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