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Creation kit companion assistance needed


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Hello there,


I'm having a s#*! ton of trouble here...Does anyone know where I can find a simple list of what to do in order to make a companion? Not a damn video. I just can't get this to work.

I've been trying every day for like two weeks now.

I can get the bastard in the game but he just stands there staring at me like he just hit a whipit when I go to talk to him.


I've watched and rewatched the tutorials and as far as I can see everything is set up right.


When I talk to him he doesn't talk back and I have the actor voice set up right.

I mean, its obviously not set up right otherwise it would be working. I just don't know what to do next.



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I dont know anything about doing companions.


But I can say thats a pretty vague list of things to go off.


Maybe if you post some screenshots of what you have done or upload the file of what you have done so far you will have a better chance of getting help.

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