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thread for my requests for pc and xb1 and stuff i might eventually work on


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- 'carriage' fast travel, like in skyrim, but the carriage is a car body with repaired wheels getting towed by brahmin and a unique carriage driver, option for super mutant or ghoul cab driver


- 'mirages' before discovering settlements they appear as vibrant cities from afar but as you get closer they fade back into what they are supposed to look like when you first discover them. kinda like if you were severely dehydrated you would hallucinate, for survival mode.


- more lore-friendly clothing, it seems near 9/10 clothing mods i find are interesting, but out-of-place. i'd like some more clothing that looks like it was pieced together randomly, more wasteland-ish, mad max-ish.


- settlement for swan's pond that's fortified with a glass floor over swan's pond so i can keep him alive and as a viewable asset to my settlement


- mod that stops/pauses time during build mode when in a settlement, so you can build with the light of day and have to worry about sleeping mid-build.


- more wooden half-walls / wooden misc / parts to board up buildings with or make scrappy-apocalyptic homes [found it , 'window floor and roof boards' ]


- raider-themed furniture / decor / structure that doesn't require dlc


- an underground home/settlement with no load door, just straight from outside to the settlement but through a hatch that opens to stairs or something, as long as there's no load door, i think this will be something i'll make, but if someone else wants to, go for it, i'm stoked.


- more wasteland-themed furniture / decor like thematic and practical


- Ladders!!!!


i'm gonna edit this and add/remove as i think of stuff or find stuff uploaded


btw, i played fo4 on xb1 for a while, just got it for pc, still in the learning stages for the creation kit.

Edited by deepspacedecrepit9
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