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Serious Diplomatic Immunity Bug


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Hi everyone,


I have scoured the internet and could not find anyone else having this issue and a way to resolve it, so I am hoping someone has some thoughts here.


I have given Malborn my equipment, I am at the party, but there is only Razelan there, he won't sit down for me to offer him a drink and therefore create a distraction. I tried it once later in the evening, then earlier in the day, etc;etc; thinking maybe somebody else would show up.


I am hoping there is another way to get this up and running without having to reload an old save because I put this quest off until I finished the Thieves Guild and DB quests and it would truly stink to have to go way back...as you can imagine.

Edited by Ihatesignups
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Incidentally, I tried doing a setstage mq201 50 to get to where the people are "distracted", it didn't seem to work either...*sigh*

OOoops This may be a bad place for this thread?


Try posting here instead: Skyrim Spoilers - The Nexus Forums



Edited by Apprentice Harper
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm also having this problem on a character that I recently started. It seems like I might be a bug that was introduced in the 1.4.21 patch, as I can't find people that were having a problem with it before then. My guess is that Bethesda created the problem when they implemented the "fix" for the Stone of Barenziah.


I also have no guards and no guests in the Embassy. The elf and redguard are there, but won't interact as they should. Haven't tried advancing through the console yet.


As far as other quest chains that might affect this one:


--I killed Astrid and disbanded the DBH when being trapped in the Abandoned Shack after killing Grelod

--I just went with Farkas to get the fragment of Wuuthrad and got my Skyforge weapon; not a werewolf yet

--I have not started the Thieves Guild chain

--I have not started Blood on the Ice; don't think this would matter, but...you never know!

--I wiped out the Thalmor at Northwatch Keep when rescuing the Grey-Mane son



I agree that this is exceedingly irritating. They fix one bug and create another. Having the main quest chain in the game broken is a pretty big deal.

Edited by moho25
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I found a temporary hack for this on the Bethesda forums.


Talk to Malborn and tell him that you are "ready". Use the console to "setstage MQ201 140". This will advance the quest and give you the option to get your gear. Now, toggle collision with "tcl" to walk through the door -- unlocking it via console wouldn't work for me. Walk through the kitchen area and grab your gear from the chest.


You should now be able to continue the quest as usual.


It's nice that someone found a workaround, but it'd be nicer yet to go through the party portion -- there's some fun stuff in there.

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Please keep a copy of the save or saves that have this problem. If I can get a few different saves with this problem maybe I can find out if they have any thing in common, if they act the same with different versions of the game, if I can replicate the problem reliably in my system.


I started my current character back with I'm not sure what version and I have moved well past the quest. I went back to the save before the quest and could not replicate the problem with this Version and rolling back to Version did not accomplish replication either...


any one with a save having this issue PM me so I can send you my Email address if you want me to look at your save. Only for this problem please. I should be able to use the console commands and such to explore around inside each save in-game and find some clues. And each save will have a list of mod dependencies that may be useful as well.

Edited by Apprentice Harper
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  • 3 weeks later...

At least you got inside the embassy. I somehow can't. When you're meant to give the invitation I just get the response "Need something?" over and over again.


At first I thought it was caused by a mod I used but I later delved into the net and found out that, in my case, this only occurs when you have killed any thalmor in the game during your play, which I have done.


I'm the kind of individual that likes to play the Main Quest line last and do all the side quests first, and been playing for 150 hours, I would have at least came across 1 thalmor in my travels but it seems really flawed if this is the case but then again, Skyrim has so many bugs it doesn't surprise me anymore.


Was wondering if anyone can help me with this issue please, thanks.

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