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International Relations Omnibus


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Well, my major malfunction with the whole "free trade" thing was, it was supposed to offer us less expensive products, of approximately the same quality. (yeah, uh huh... we see how that worked out......) In reality, that didn't happen at all. Prices stayed the same, or even went up...... and quality hit the toilet. One of my favorite examples is Dodge, or even GM trucks. At one time, these were produced in the good ol' US of A. Then, along came NAFTA..... eventually, most of the production moved to Mexico where labor costs were SUBSTANTIALLY lower.... but, did we see the price of those trucks go down? No, they got MORE expensive. Where did the "savings" go? Right into some Upper management types pocket. The consumer got screwed. Not only did the folks that USED to build those trucks lose a good paying job, the same truck was noticeably lower quality.


Yeah, I don't care for Free Trade. I see it as a scam perpetrated by corporations, to make as much as possible, as fast as possible, before their market dries up, as no one they sell to has a job any more.

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