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Sure it is.


I saw another day upcoming dwemer power armor mod for Fallout 4. That used some assets form Skyrim SE. Perhaps power armor model could be converted to skyrim and modelled to fit to the world.


Certain beoynd my current skill. Anyway, I like your idea.

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Sure it is.


I saw another day upcoming dwemer power armor mod for Fallout 4. That used some assets form Skyrim SE. Perhaps power armor model could be converted to skyrim and modelled to fit to the world.


Certain beoynd my current skill. Anyway, I like your idea.


If that mod actually does use models ripped from Skyrim then it isn't allowed on the Nexus and should be reported.

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I would assume that power armor in Fallout 4 is technically a vehicle, and not a simple armor slot graphic with stats.


New Vegas type armor would port to skyrim. Fallout 4 normal armor mods have been ported as well.


I don't think you could use Skyrim's horse mechanics to make it work well.

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