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Vault 88 Builds: The Thread


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So I just finished the Vault Tec DLC, cleared out all the crap in and around the work area, including Ms. Autism McSociopath, and have a big clean slate to work with.


Now, my main predicament is, do I turn Vault 88 into another run of the mill Vault, or do I use the huge underground Cavern network to build a big underground Shanty Town as "New Quincy"?


I never really liked the standard Vault design philosophy, and how compact and cramped everything was. Even Vault 81 felt all claustrophobic. You telling me people live in a total of two main hallways their entire life and don't go insane?


Then again, this is the only place I have that would allow me the space to actually construct a vault.



I have a few ideas as to what I'd do in each sector if I go with a "Underground City" kinda build

Central would be the main living quarters

One with the water would be like a relaxing fishing spot

North would be the manufacturing center, and North East would be the mining area.

Then there's the Uranium Mines and LImestone caves I could turn into personal sanctums.


Not having worked with the Vault pieces before, I would have to get a gauge on how well I could fit it all within the different chambers and connect them all, should I decide to build "The Ultimate And Totally Not Claustrophobic Vault 88"



So, ITT: Show me your Vault 88 builds in an attempt to sway my opinion either way.

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