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What are your top 5 must have mods?


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Wow. I was really surprised at how diverse the choices are. This kind of opened my eyes to some of the other mods out there too. Sorry for bumping ( page 8 ) but I'd really like to see some more of your choices.


Btw, I kinda forgot about SKSE! Yeah, I have to consider that a top fiver too.

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My five are:


1. My own confederation of tiny mods: I download a lot of mods that fix a single item, so I combine them into one so I don't have 20 mods that are 1kb each.

- Includes Lydia bedroom loitering fix

- Includes Muiri's Problem dialogue fix

- Includes post marriage spouse clothing (Why does Muiri marry you (who has 100000 septims), opens a store where half the profit is 100 septims a day...and she wears rags?)

2. Quality World Map with Roads: A map... with ROADS!!! OMG! Who woulda thunk? Not Bethesda.

3. Smoothed High Quality Faces Pack: Pick your favorite, there's a few out there I think

4. Shadow Striping Fix: How can you roleplay while "sand bars of waves" move across your spouse's face like some horror movie?

5. Weapons & Armor fixer

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1. SkyUI

2. Skyrim HD - 2K Textures

3. Dovahkiin Hideout

4. Weapons and Armor Fixes

5. A Quality World Map with All Roads


Tough to pick the top five because I have quite a few mods, and picking just five leaves out quite a few I wouldn't want to play without.

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1 Dovahkiin Hideout - Shorcut, I dont like to fast travel.

2 UNP/CBBE - :biggrin:

3 Tytanis - RIP :(

4 ENB Series - Immersion visual

5 Sounds of Skyrim Series - Immersion audial

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1. Deadly Dragons

2. PiSE

3. Wars in Skyrim

4. Duel Combat Realism and Expansion

5. Warzones


Special mention to the following mods w/c are not essential but very recommended.


- Crowded Cities

- More Travelers

- Interesting NPC's

- Populus

- Populated Cities



I tried to load and and play with your list after reading a little bit about each mod, first impression in excellent, I have one problem with Deadly Dragons, when I fast travel to small settlements to do a quest, dragon usually attack, usually not a big problem, now they kill the objectives of my quest, in one case a dragon killed the mercenaries that closed a mine and I was asked to talk to them and try to make them leave the place, well, they are all dead now, in the second case, a dragon killed the parent I needed to talk with about his little daughter, well, I did those quests again without fast traveling off fear of dragons.


Have you encountered similar cases where the "Deadly Dragons" just killed important NPCs?

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1) 2 Follower - A batch file and console command instructions for recruting two followers at a time; I love traveling with a party.


2) Deadly Dragons - Dragon encounters should feel monumental, and with this mod, they do.


3) PISE - I use this mod to increase the number of enemies that spawn, increase enemy levels, give enemies better combat AI, and to give enemies access to healing potions plus healing spells.


4) SkyBoost - Increased performance (FPS), without it, my game stutters.


5) SIM, Populated Cities, Adventurers & Travelers - Yea, I listed three different mods for my 5th choice. They all add more "life" to the game and are equally important to me. SIM adds unique NPC's to the world (villans & hereos). Populated Cities fills out towns so that they are no longer barren. Adventures & Travelers adds NPC parties to the world; nothing is more exhilerating than fighting an Ancient Frost Dragon with another NPC party joining the frey.

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Only five? Well, then:


1: SkyUI because as so many have said, the default UI bites.


2: Midas Magic, because the default spells and such are not nearly as awesome as what Midas Magic has done even now. Including Resurrection spells for dealing with things Dragons have killed.


3: Jaysus Swords, because the variety in the default game is great, but limited in scope. Jaysus takes advantage of this and runs away with it like mad.


4: Open Cities. Because I like to ride my horse in town. And it's a bloody long way up to Dragon's Reach from the front gate.


5: Horse Bags. Because it's an inventory for the horse. 'Nough said.

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