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Everything posted by anubispriest

  1. Would be nice to find people with solutions and not trolls making problems...
  2. In response to post #45653830. #45670050, #45673950, #45674880, #45675735, #45689240 are all replies on the same post. First, I believe that the $2 coming in as a known amount is worth more than you think: as Dark0ne said, "It completely depends on how valuable you are to advertisers which is utterly dependent on what they're looking for and can't be accounted for accurately. " Your $2 is a figure that can be accounted for, in known and something they can chart. My opinion only, but your $2 is probably worth $1 to $6 of advertising that may or may not happen. I am so glad I took the opportunity to have a lifetime sponsorship when I did as I was unaware they were gone. Otherwise I think for how I use the site I would just let the ads roll because... I also want to say a HUGE thank for (for those that might not reply here) for not having "pop-overs", "pop-unders" and sound ads. My biggest issues with quite a few sites is the "As such, you can have situations where you've loaded and read half the page before an ad will finally show in its proper ad place on the site" that Dark0ne said. I will be "speed viewing" something, looking for something in a list, and either I get a) sound from nowhere I can't shut off; b) have a pop up just as I find what i am looking for I can't close until the ad is over; c) go to close the browser and find 10 other ads behind or most likely d) all of the above. I'd mention a popular art site for the "all of the above" issue but I won't name them.
  3. The effort someone puts into actions over time has value in our society and our psychology as a being. We do something over time and for that we are given a representation of it, called money, that allows us to trade for the actions over time of others. When we volunteer or do something over time without gaining any reciprocal gain, without getting anything or any money, we still need to psychologically know that what we have done by own own hands and minds is ours. This is why we have copyright laws and the like: because when something we have done is taken from us we suffer psychologically. Some may say that these concepts do not apply to mods because mod authors do not get paid, that others still get to appreciate their volunteer work when it is provided by someone else, and a myriad of other reasons. They are invalid. Period. If you don't agree with that then please volunteer down at the soup kitchen while I get all of the credit... or maybe mow grandma's lawn while she serves me cookies and milk while totally ignoring you... or maybe clean the ditch outside the school while someone drives by, ignore you and throws more garbage out the window... Those that don't agree basically are saying that because the people got fed, grandma got to walk on the grass and the kids had a clean ditch for 3 minutes that recognition of action, giving a sense of belonging and appreciation, is not required for you. Last I checked modders were psychological human beings with minds that required belonging, acceptance, caring, understanding, appreciation and a sense of self worth. We require these things because we are an intellectually advanced social, emotional animal that understands our time is valuable because it is finite. Time is time, and it is valuable. Period. Even when modding. To Modders: Thank you. I support you. What you make yourself with the time you took from a finite life is yours. To those who don't support Modders: you are not worth my pity, but you have it.
  4. In response to post #31633595. #31634115, #31635085, #31636985, #31639010, #31639185, #31639560 are all replies on the same post. I thought Dark0ne already had the title of "InterUniverse Nexus Upholder of Righteousness"? Wouldn't, therefor, Kim Jong-Un be beneath?
  5. In response to post #31635345. #31635935, #31637620, #31638355 are all replies on the same post. dsound.dll is a generic Windows file found in the Windows/System32 folder and is a part of Microsoft Direct Sound Library. It is required by Direct X and any operating system or game that uses Direct X. There may be many, many mods that include dsound.dll if that mod has custom sounds. I know this because I had my dsound.dll deleted some time ago and needed it for a game created under the Win 95/98 platform. The issue now, as I see it, is: has any mod had dsound.dll added to it when it doesn't need it, or had dsound.dll changed? Hopefully your HPE Security Research can cross-reference the hacked in dsound.dll with a proper Microsoft one and find out why they put it there.
  6. If I were to go digging in my archives I think I could find my old user name for Morrowind Mod Library and Morrowind Source. I did end up changing it to this one for TES Source, but have kept it since 2006: 10 years next year, baby! :D It has been an honor to peak in, contribute lightly, and gain so much fun from you over the years: congratulations.
  7. In response to post #29178004. #29182279, #29202849 are all replies on the same post. I "second" the thought of increasing the "New Files" section to 12 or 18. The list of Site News that automatically comes up on my opening page is at least long enough to increase the bar to 18. I have a few mods that I actually liked the author's "alpha" version better when it first came out: I end up playing (and keeping) that original version before it becomes a hot file. This is usually because mod user comments and suggestions drive the mod larger that I like. I'd really like to "get a hold" of more early versions of mods.
  8. I am extremely happy with the removal of the "pay to download" system. My problem from the beginning was paying to download either a) a great looking mod that was hyped up and over-sold, in actually a ragged piece of junk -or- b) something that someone else made, either by asset stealing, complete mod stealing or whatever. Sometimes it is hard to realize the validity of a mod until you play it, that is one reason why Nexus doesn't allow you to download and instantly vote/endorse. I prefer a donate system where I can donate to those who have provided me with excellent mods that I feel I "can't game without" and who have provided excellent support and fixes to their mods. I think Bethesda should do the same system, IMO. Thank you again excellent modders, I should go off now and donate a bit more to reward you...
  9. I would have a hard time paying for a mod, a very hard time, unless there was a trial time involved like 7 days or something. Why do I download mods? Two reasons: Primarily to get the "unofficial" fixes and bug/glitch repairs left over in a game. Second, to either help me learn to mod or to get mods that do what is beyond my abilities. My history here at Skyrim Nexus shows I downloaded 105 mods while I have kept and still use 50 of them: only 18 of them have .ESP files (so the other 32 are meshes, textures and sounds replacements only), and 10 of the 18 I downloaded to fix/de-bug/repair issues I feel are in Skyrim (the Unofficial Patches for example). That leaves only 8 that are for enjoyment and game immersion to do what I cannot mod myself (like Helgen Reborn, etc). That makes me a very "light" mod user I believe, but the mods I use I am not sure if I could play the game without them; and I could not imagine having to pay for an unofficial patch to find out it "breaks" the game more than it fixes. Here on the Nexus I can test out the mod, run it through its paces, try and see the great work the author did for myself in the CK... and then donate if I wish. Lastly, I do know how to mod to some limited extent: occasionally I will "tweek" an author's mod to suit my game play or the "role play" I am doing with my current game's character. I don't see the harm in downloading someone's awesome follower and tweeking an outfit or changing the display name to better suit the game I am playing. I would be afraid that in ensuring mods were paid for the system to do this might "lock me out" of those mods. Overall, I prefer the donation system. p.s. Thank you to all the modders out there I have downloaded: I always endorse every one I use, vote for the better ones and occasionally donate to the best. Thanks again!
  10. In response to post #8161846. #8161877, #8162134 are all replies on the same post. Yes, let us know what we could do: I could, after years of using this site for free and only recently getting a premium membership, could donate a few for the cause.
  11. I didn't expect a reply, but thank you kind sir! :thumbsup: Yes, the click method works and so does the ESC key. I notice if I move the window around so that the close button doesn't land on the hotfiles... header? marquee? changing image thingie? it will appear. Only when the close button is in this space it disappears. Again, thanks: at least the Q&A is on record for someone else to search for. :biggrin:
  12. I wanted to note this just because I searched for it and didn't come up successful. When I was "on" the Elder Scrolls Nexus sites but not a Premium Member I would load the site(s), check the little Notifications box (I didn't sign up for e-mail, I just check the site often), and then move on to popular mods, searching for mods, and so on. Then when I decided after years of being on here I would finally sign up as a Premium Member, and all went the same as it did before. Then when the Skyrim Nexus site, the one I check most often, got a new layout something went... wonky. :unsure: I would load the site, check the little Notifications box and if there was something I would click on it: mostly just to clear the little number beside the icon. However, now I can't move the Notifications box that pops up like I used to, and there is no "close x" in the corner anymore. I have to re-load the browser to get it to go away, which in turn clears the little number beside the icon. Funny thing is, if I click on anything Nexus linked (as in a mod, picture, article or what ever) and THEN go click on the Notifications box I have no problems. I have added screen shots: a main page screen cropped and a "any other nexus page" screen cropped. I am using Windows Explorer 9 and 64bit Windows Vista if that matters: knowing Microsoft that might be it. :biggrin: It is a dumb little thing, and I generally just go directly to popular mods, searching for mods, and so on... and then check Notifications last. Again, I'm not too concerned: I just didn't know if the site peoples knew. :huh:
  13. I try to help, but always seem to start too basic
  14. I try to help, but always seem to start too basic
  15. Roleplaying... I do it. Not fond of the "open world roleplaying experience" game forcing me to abandon it though:


  16. I always want the mod that isn't out there....
  17. I always want the mod that isn't out there....
  18. I have one character that will not do this quest because the entire roleplaying experience I set out for him: I used a bat file to make him a Dunmer-Bosmer half-breed Vampire right from character creation in Helgen. At this point he has completed almost all of Dawnguard on the vampire side, has turned his wife into a Vampire too, and so on and so forth. I can't give up so much thought and time into the roleplay part of the game to give it up for wanting to help the Companions stop those trying to kill them (or trying to complete more of the game). It might be lore breaking but I for one would be happy to have the quest go like this: Skjor wants him to drink from the fountain and my vampire character drinks the blood, but the game checks if he is a vampire and adjusts the quest accordingly. The result for this vampire character would be getting a message box stating "The beast blood cannot turn a Vampire into a Werewolf, but it's power sends you on a horrible blood rage induced thurst..." to then a black screen and waking up at the point in the quest were you wake up naked next to Aela the Huntress before going after the Silver Hand. The conversation with Aela about the ramage could fit close enough under this situation. The whole part of becoming a werewolf and its advantages/disadvantages gets skipped, but the quest line goes along like normal. If I had the skills to work this into the quest, where the script or whatever could check for the "IsPlayerVampire" type rank (or whatever it is) and then skip the becoming a werewolf thing, I would. I could probably do it with forced quest advancement on the console (and possibly breaking my game with corrupt save files and who-knows-what-else going wrong), but that skips the possibilty of those doing it without the want, skill and/or console to do it with. I am so very surprised this type of mod wasn't out right after Dawnguard for those that chose to do a vampire character just for this expansion and don't want to look back!!! :devil: I know my Werewolf Conjuration/Destruction Mage character will never joing the Volkihar vampire side either: same problem of being forced to abandon so much roleplaying to make that choice.
  19. Thank you: you have proven me happily wrong. I figured that moving a few things would be no problem: no stuff move needed. However, I figured that since I am adding a couple of portals that I would end up with enough changes to force Skyrim into thinking it is a different version of the same file, and thus loose everything, even without a name change. Thank you again.
  20. I know this sounds like a VERY noob question for someone who started modding with Morrowind, but I just don't know the answer completely (and spent 45 minutes going through a 40 page search to no avail): I downloaded a house mod that is only an .esp file many months ago: one character has finished the main Skyrim game and one has finished Skyrim and Dawnguard completely (except never-ending-radiant quests) so the house is full of the spoils of adventuring for four characters in total. I want to add some portal doors and fix a small bug with a forge being a hair too high (one location I can see under it's edge and up through it). If I don't remove the 400+ items from all the crates, barrels, racks, mannequins, boxes, chests and so on per character, and then modify the file with the CK, will all that stuff be gone? I hear of many warnings about modders stating that before an upgrade (new mod version) of their house/castle/whatever mod the player/user has to clear the house out, upgrade, and then refill it. Is that the case here? I am lazy because the one 100% done character, with all the forging supplies and unique armors & weapons, will weigh 2,000 plus clearing it out.... plus a day of my time to redecorate all the shelves with bugs in jars and so forth. If yes or no: what is the mechanic behind it? Does Skyrim see a new date of modification on the file and "refresh" everything in the mod? Thanks in advance for confirming a solid answer on this....
  21. Yes!!! That solved the problem for Blood on the Ice for me. Here's how it "panned out" for my characters: Character 1: Did Blood on the Ices ages ago, Hjerim totally upgraded, no problems. Character 2: Did Blood on the Ice ages ago, bought Hjerim and the upgrade; but due to problems with Character 4 and reading this thread I went there for the first time in months (real time months, not in-game) and suddenly was CTD entering Hjerim. Purchasing the Armory upgrade: problem solved. Character 3: Have not done Blood on the Ice but have Proudspire Manor bought, no upgrades; again, after checking here tried to enter Proudspire and got a CTD. Bought the upgrades: problem solved. Character 4: Brand new character made last week to become a Vampire when I get Dawnguard expansion: Blood on the Ice triggers on 3rd trip into Windhelm (1st night visit as a Vampire) and when I got the key to enter Hjerim and tried to I got a CTD instantly. Tried everything to fix it before I came here. I tried the above with the other three characters first, then I moved the two mannequin scripts to the Backup folder (the one for mods the CK uses) and got an instant fix. I will move the scripts back when I can purchase decorations upgrades. Between the four characters I have there is enough evidence to show the problem with the scripts is there, and to show that moving the scripts away (at least temporarily) fixes it. Thanks visinii !!! I even gave you Kudos in the discussions of Elder Scrolls Wiki for the fix: the Blood on the Ice quest gets a lot of bug reports. :wallbash:
  22. I WIN.... Did I make you look???? For the WIN????
  23. This thread: http://www.harisingh.com/Images/hswuppass.jpg
  24. Opening up a WIN here is like... http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa214/pittsky/crowonamission.jpg
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