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easily fix CTD when loading save/random CTD


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This is for who couldn't fix the CTD by lowering ugrids when following one of the guides that are available out there. I found this [out of accident, and after seeing that the ugrids in the ini never changed when following that guide]


1: open your skyrim.ini and add the missing line before loading save, ugridstoload = x [x being the number that you've been using] under the "general" part. SAVE the file.

The ini is usually under user > Documents > my games > skyrim [in windows 7]


2: Open skyrim and see if your game loads. If it doesn't, then you used a different, higher value for the ugrids. edit it until you can load.


3: when you can see the world, press ALT + TAB, and open your skyrim.ini [if it isn't already opened] and lower the value to 5 or 3. SAVE the file.


4: ALT + TAB until you're back in the game. Open console and type "refreshini". This will load the recently edited ini into your current game.


5: Save game. Congrats, your save is fixed!



Obs: Note that the ini files might be read only, and you need to change that in its properties.

Obs2: I'm using windows 7 64 bits, and while there are even guides to fix that but only for win 32 bits, I figured out I'd help some people who might have the same problems as me.

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