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Book Inventory textures


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Oooh, I see where the problem is.

I do not have the CK at this computer, but from what I remember, the "Inventory Art" refers to a static object.

So what you need to do is:

I. Create a new Static object, with the hi-poly model of the book.

II. When you select the 3d model for the object, you will be able to apply the texture set.

III. In your new book object, select your newly created static mesh from step I. in the drop-down menu of the "Inventory Art".

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Oooh, I see where the problem is.

I do not have the CK at this computer, but from what I remember, the "Inventory Art" refers to a static object.

So what you need to do is:

I. Create a new Static object, with the hi-poly model of the book.

II. When you select the 3d model for the object, you will be able to apply the texture set.

III. In your new book object, select your newly created static mesh from step I. in the drop-down menu of the "Inventory Art".


I feel like an idiot for asking this, but can you make a step by step, from the beginning? I followed your instructions but to no avail.

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Dont worry.


First of all, have you made a texture set for your book? It is same like making a retexture of a mesh, but you will not need to modify the mesh file itself, hence your mod will not take up just as much space.

If you have not made it yet, do it. Under Miscellaneous, there is TextureSet. Just make a new one and put your texture under the "Diffuse" field. You will also need the Normal Map, but screw that for now.


Then, you need to go to World Objects --- Static and find the model of the book you want to retexture.

It should be called something with "highpolybook01" or whatever. Dublicate it, and name it whatever you want, for instance "1_book_highpoly".

Double click the entry and you will get the window with all the properties like the ID, etc. There will be one called "Model". Click the Edit button next to it, and you will get a new window. There will be a list called Alternate Textures. There will be a few 3D name entries, you just have to find the right one of them and DRAG your newly made TextureSet into the slot.

Then just press "OK".


Now, when you are making the book itself, under the property window for it, there will be a field for "Inventory Art". Its just a drop down menu with the list of all static objects. Click it and find the new book static we just made (the "1_book_highpoly".)


If you still have troubles, I can help you via TeamViewer.

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Nah just kiddin. Works like a charm now. Thanks for everything. :)

Now there will be naughty books everywhere. And whatever comics I think are worth the time.

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  • 1 month later...

I tried this without any luck. When making a new texture set and then assigning that to the static model, it looked alright in the CK, but in game the book remained unchanged, using the old texture. When copying the whole model and then assigning the new texture to it directly in Nifskope, it looked ok there, but the game would CTD when navigating to Books in my inventory.


Copying the Inventory Art model and then editing with nifskope worked for me and Skyrim didn't crash. Maybe there was a problem with the texture, or perhaps you had a typo in the edited texture filepath in the nif?


I couldn't get TextureSets to work on the Inventory Art model. It worked fine for the World Art model. I notice that later in this topic that Dragten seems to have gotten it to work. He says you should DRAG the TextureSet into the slot. The way I was trying was to click on the Alternate Texture slot and then pick the TextureSet from the drop-down list. I'll try Dragten's method tonight, maybe there's a glitch in the CK and only dragging the textureset into the slot will work?


If it does work then I will owe Dragten a big fat kudos :laugh:

Edited by steve40
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I did a book retexture for one of my mods and actually came across this problem myself.

It looks like TextureSets refuse to work with the inventory model, so I had to change the texture for the nif file manually with NIFSkope.

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  • 3 months later...

Okay, I must be dumb as a sack of wet mudcrabs, because I'm not understanding any of this, nor understanding what I'm doing wrong.


Here's what I've done so far:


In Creation Kit...

Object Window > Textures > New


Diffuse > Mycookbook.dds

Normal > Mycookbook_n.dds


Object Window > Static > New

ID MyCookBook01

Model ...data > meshes > mymeshes > mycookbook01 (created in Nifskope as a re-texture of HighPolyJournal02)

Alternate Textures > Drag Mycookbooktexture into the slots



Object Window > Books > New

ID MyCookbook

Name My Cook Book

Weight, Value left alone

Teaches unticked (because it doesn't)

Inventory image Left alone as it doesn't seem to matter one way or the other in game

Message Icon left alone

World Art ...data > meshes > mymeshes > mycookbook (created in Nifskope as a re-texture of JournalLowPoly02)

Inventory Art > MyCookBook01 (the static object I created)


Inventory Art > HighPolyBasicBook07


Book Text {the text of the book, obviously}

No script, Keyword Editor ID is Vendor Item Book


Now, as long as that Inventory Art window points to something already existing (For instance, HighPolyJournal02 -- which is what I re-textured, and added the "handwritten text" to) then everything works in game -- You can read the book, you can pick it up, and you can see it in your inventory.


HOWEVER.... This ONLY WORKS if the inventory icon is the HighPolyJournal02. It will NOT work the book I made. Any time I *try* to use "MyCookBook01", you can NOT read the book, though you can take it, and you can see it, with the proper look, in inventory. When you try to read it, you simply get a blank screen, with the "page turn" and "take" prompts. (It also occasionally crashes Skyrim, but not always.)


Using the HighPoly for both the World Art and the Inventory Art resulted in an un-touchable, un-readable object -- basically it acted like a static non-interactive item.


This isn't the first item I've modelled or retextured; I've been doing this sort of thing since Morrowind, and specifically I made tonnes of books for Oblivion -- and never once had this sort of issue.


I realise this is relatively minor; the inventory art is just eye candy so long as the rest of the book works -- but -- eye candy is important or we wouldn't be playing a game like Skyrim, amirite?


What have I done wrong, can anyone figure it out?


*edit 'cause I typo'd somethin*

Edited by Allannaa
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I would presume that the Inventory Art model must not be a "static" object form, as it needs to have the page turning animations in it so that you can read the book. Are you sure that the HighPolyJournal02 is a "static" object form? Maybe it is a "movable static"?


Edit: or perhaps it is because you used the low poly model, whereas the game seems to prefer the high poly model?

Edited by steve40
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I would presume that the Inventory Art model must not be a "static" object form, as it needs to have the page turning animations in it so that you can read the book. Are you sure that the HighPolyJournal02 is a "static" object form? Maybe it is a "movable static"?


Edit: or perhaps it is because you used the low poly model, whereas the game seems to prefer the high poly model?



Steve -- To be honest, when I did this, I had an "edit" window up for I think it was Delphine's Dossier... and I set MY fields to the same sort of info -- the world object is the "lowpoly" and the the Inventory Art was always "highpoly" version of that same thing (found in ... Data > Clutter > Books > Book01 > CharacterAssets -- if that matters).


I'm always scared to "duplicate" an item because I don't want to accidentally get the Asterisk of Changed Stuff, but I eventually actually tried that, too -- Duplicated an existing journal, and just substituted my NIF and DDS files.


Still nuffin'.


But you may be right, maybe I needed to make it in Moveable instead.


Any further thoughts?



As it turns out, that wasn't the answer, either.


What I ultimately did was this --


Object Window > Static > MQ201DelphineDossier > Duplicate

ID MyCookBook01

Model ...data > meshes > mymeshes > mycookbook01

DO NOT alter the textures. Leave that alone after all.

Create New Form


Object Window > Books > New

ID MyCookbook

Name My Cook Book

Weight, Value left alone

Teaches unticked (because it doesn't)

Inventory image Left alone as it doesn't seem to matter one way or the other in game

Message Icon left alone

World Art ...data > meshes > mymeshes > mycookbook

Inventory Art > MyCookBook01 (the static object I created)

Book Text (my stuff)


THIS has worked. (With the slight exception that the in-game book text is a little blurry for whatever reason, compared to "vanilla" books).

Edited by Allannaa
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