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Help getting Halo Poser S to work properly (Skyrim)


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To clarify, 2+ weeks ago i had tried to get Halo Poser S working on Skyrim (With Mod Organizer). I was at it for a few days before i gave up in frustration and moved on to two other animation mods on the Nexus.


When i went through the install process i noticed 1. There was no data folder. 2. The installation instructions made no sense or were not very specific.


So now i am asking you Nexus community how in the blazes can i get Halo Poser working?


Let's examine the instructions real quick....


1: Extract the archive to an appropriate folder.
^^^^ Appropriate folder? So like is unzipping it to the pictures folder ok? I don't fully understand. Clarification needed.
2: Copy the data folder into your main Skyrim folder (on a 32-bit system this is usually C:/Program Files/steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/ and on 64-bit systems this is usually C:/Program Files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/).
^^^^ What data folder? There isn't one. I've checked both versions of Halo Poser S.
3: Allow any overwrites.
^^^^ Ok yeah i get that.
4: Double click the FNIS generator program found in Data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users/ called GenerateFNISforUSers.exe (note: this will only be present if you paid attention and installed the requirement)
5: Click "Update FNISBehavior" and wait until you see a message like:
1295 animations for 9 mods successfully included.
The number will vary depending on what mods you have installed/are installing.
^^^^ So what i'm being told is that i have to put the archive into the skyrim data folder? Again i don't fully understand. This is gonna need some huge clarification.
6: Close the program.
^^^^ Yeah sure ok.
7: Activate the .esp file that came with this mod, through whatever means you manage your mods.
^^^^ Ok i get i have to activate the Halo's Poser.esp but what the author states in the instructions is NOT to use NMM.
Well NMM is all i use for mods. So unless i go off and use MO or something (Again) i don't see a way to even make this work.
Any help here is appreciated. Plz and thank you.
If further info is needed plz ask nicely. I'm only trying to figure this out when it's absurdly difficult.
And as a side note i did a search on the Nexus forums for Halo Poser S and of the several threads i found they either A. Had an answer/s but no solution. B. No answer whatsoever.
Edited by ShayVizla
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If you want the normal version, copy the contents of 00 - Normal Version folder into Skyrim/Data. If you want the Poser Hotkeys version, copy the contents of 01 - Poser Hotkeys Version into Skyrim/Data. Allow any overwrites when doing so, whichever version you choose. Run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe and click the "Update FNISBehavior" button and wait for it to finish. Enable the poser plugin via whatever method you prefer. NMM should work for this.

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Finally got it working (Took me a little while but i got there). The Poser Hotkeys version decided it didn't like me so i switched over to the Normal version and now it works.


Thank you for the help insanityman. Truly appreciated :)

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The contents of the folder. The resulting paths should look like:


Just remember that the ESP/ESM/ESL/BSA files always have to go in the Data directory.

If you install it with Mod Organizer, then you should be able to select Manual install and set either "00 - Normal Version" or "01 - Poser Hotkeys Version" as the data directory.


To get it to work with NMM/Vortex, you'd have to repackage the archive so that it only contains the files from one version or the other. Alternatively, you could add a FOMOD install file, but you need to know how to write one of those.

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