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The FUCs (Feline Urban Commandos) may make an attempted comeback in Fallout 4

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I'm considering coming back to modding Fallout 4 and making my cats become a standalone NPC/group enemy.


A year ago or so, I was unable to get access to how to add behaviors to my FUCs to have them become another enemy grp, among other things so I moved on. I could even find and info about how to get my meshes to link together for a gun...


Has the game/modding community matured to the point if I wanted to created such a new grp, I could have access to how to construct it, i.e., pointed to information such that I can read it, and apply it?


Has the creation kit helped in any way?


I also want to make weapons, gear and mounts for SWTOR/Fallout 4; has access to the information about how to link mod changed? Are things shared in the mod community so I can learn how, e.g., the various parts of the mesh for guns, skeletal systems work with the game engine, standalone NPCs are created and refined?

I have updated my tools to Zbrush 4r8 P1, Maya 2017, Substance Painter 2.x, Substance Designer and Photoshop CC 2017.


What utility programs do I still need to work with the assets, e.g., the DDS plugin for Photoshop...anything else? I remember the script editor, animation converstion software, that bizarre opaque mesh editor, etc.


Just need a point in the right direction, I will teach myself. I don't know what I don't know, so even a list for modders, given the current mature level of the game would be helpful. I need to assess whether or not the information in the modding community is still considered a guarded secret, or if there's a person willing to create they get access to learning resources. "I just figured it out, is as plausible as, I don't have to study and I ace every test." No, no you didn't. Not any real test.


Thank you for any consideration and direction.

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Dont do that "has the community matured" bullshit if you want help.


You should be able to create a custom faction for them and just set the behaviors based on how you want them to act to which other factions. Or just use any of the existing ones for it.

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