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Cannot take damage on Fallout New Vegas Save


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I have recently had an issue with my Fallout New Vegas save where I cannot take damage. As soon as I take damage, I almost instantly regain it. I think the problem would be with a mod I installed on Nexus Mod Manager. I cannot find the Mod anymore, and I think that it was removed without uninstalling. It was called the pipboy controller. It gave a health boost when you set it to a specific point (ex. 25% health, 50% health.. etc.). The mod also gives a robot voice such as the medic power armour in Fallout 3.


Another culprit to this problem could be my auto-stimpak's that may be glitched. I have tried removing them from my inventory. I have tried removing everything from my character, but i still have invincibility. I was wondering if you techy-New Vegas'ers could help me. This is my main Character, and I enjoy playing on him. I dont want to start all over again.



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Could it be your medic power armor? That one gives you health from stims when you take damage.


You think it's your auto stims but you're wearing a suit of armor designed to heal you when you take damage. Do you think maybe it could be that?


Thanks for the Reply, but I said that the mod was sorta like the power armour, without the actual armour itself.


"The mod also gives a robot voice such as the medic power armour in Fallout 3."


I was wondering if there was a way to purify the fallout Save. Such as keeping all of your items, levels, and quests I have completed, and then I just reinstall my mods.

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  • 6 months later...

Either you have god mode on, which shouldn't stay if you exit and reload. Or use ` (console) and type tgm.

What do you have on your stats page of your pipboy? Maybe one of your mods gave you a super buff or something.

Or your pipboy controller is set to 100%. I assume that would have a similar effect.

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