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Help With a Killmove animation


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I need some help with Dualsun's Samurai killmove mod. Please can someone explain to me in very simple steps how I can use FNIS PCEA2 and Violens to make this mod work for 2 handed swords for my character only. I'm not good with this kind of stuff at all and any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

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No, you can't use PCEA2 to make it player only. PCEA2, and the underlying FNIS functionality "Alternate Animations" do not support killmoves.


FNIS however DOES support custom killmoves, not only killmove replacers the way dualsun has set this up. But it would take a little mod to make it usable in-game. All that is needed is the FNIS definition for a custom killmove, using this file. Then in the CK the FNIS definition can be used to integrate the animation into CK's animation conditions. That's all that is needed.


Dualsun is a great animator. Unfortunately he's not a modder. :)

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So if i can't make it player only can anyone tell me how to apply it to two-handed weapons at least? Dualsun says on the mod page that it can be done but doesn't really explain how. Any and all help greatly appreciated

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You rename the file with one of the vanilla 2hm/2hw killmove names. For example paired_2hmkillmovestaba.hkx.


However I would not recommend that without testing. All killmoves have different length. And require animation events at different times. It might look wierd when the game reaction on thes events would come at unfit times. For example the sound, or the kill point of the target actor.

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