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Rogrowth conflicts with the settlement mods from greekrage. Please help if you can


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Hey everybody. I love the Rogrowth overhaul as its the only mod that adds this dense forest that i dont wana miss. Unfortunaly when I try to make it work with the settlement mods from greekrage (which look stunning) I recognize that suddenly some treespots in different areas just become dead and dont have leaves anymore (for example 10 trees next to each other or so are suddenly dead and the trees around them are still normal). The trees that are affected are not even exactly within the area the settlement is built just near to it. I already texted the Author of Regrowth who said it might be a loadorder issue. Therefor I tried to change the loadorder, move the Settlements either on top or below Regrowth but depending on where the Settlement mods are in my loadorder, the trees in the one area are suddenly back to normal but any other area on the map is affected. Anybody can help maybe how I can make these mods compatible? Thanks for the answer

Regards Nina

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