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The Bastard Experience (1H/2H sword)


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I just had great idea for a mod, just wanted to check with the community if you guys think that this is possible or even if u think that its a stupid/good idea.

All opinions/suggestions are more than welcome. :biggrin:


Well the idea is to make a sword that can be used with both 1H and 2H grip, like if you want to use it as a 1hander you simply use the left mousebutton and to use it like a 2hander you use the right mousebutton. Parrying can be achived with holding down both mousebuttons like in the dualwield block mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9247 if the author is kind enough to share his script with me, maybe he even want to help me ^^. I dont have much experience as a scripter but i do have a lot of time on my hands, and dont belive that the scripts necessary to achieve this would be that complicated, am i wrong?


I think that a sword of this kind can be really fun to fight with because of the wide variety of possible attacks and used with duke patriks Heavy Weapons Combat (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9886) it would really improve the combat experience. When used like a onehander its fast but deal light damage and vice versa when used a twohander.


Anyone who want to help me with this or even complety steal my idea are more than welcome.

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We hand a similar idea, the hand-and-half sword. We havent decided much or started a script but its a key part of our mod. My idea was that to equip it one handed you hold one of the mouse buttons or both to use it two-handed (like magic dual-casting) but hand-and-half swords shouldnt be dual wielded but can be used with a shield. Another thing is that whilst using it as a two-hander it does more damage and takes longer to swing than when using it as a one-handed.
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I'm not sure on the possibility of doing it the way you described. However I do know that in Oblivion there were a few mods out there with weapons that could be equipped 1 handed or 2 handed style, and the ability to switch them out was a custom spell that swapped styles. Could that be a possibility also?
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