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[LE] Help with Creation Kit Conditions

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I have a question about how I can get my custom Frost Armor effect to activate. In the Perk setting for my mod I have the Mod incoming damage option with the value set to 0.00 with a random percent condition of 50%, but I also want to make it to where it only happens when the player is hit from a frost damaging spell. I have tested the "Attacker", and "attacker weapons" options next to the perk entries section. Keep in mind I have not tested the conditions setting above the perk entries list. I have used the specific conditions of using "SpellHasKeyword" - "MagicDamageFrost" >= 1.0000 "AND" Any ideas how I can get this to work? I am in no ways experienced enough in the Creation Kit.


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Try the "EPMagic_SpellHasKeyword", I think it's the one used on perks affecting spells like augmented flames and that stuff. But, in any case, resisting the whole effect 50% of the time is not really different than resisting 50% of the effect everytime.

You could also try a more specific perk entry like "Mod Incoming Spell Magnitude"

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Also resisting the whole effect 50% of the time is very different from resisting 50% of the effect all the time. Consider a PC with 100 hp who gets hit for 100 pts of damage. In one scenario he has a 50% chance of surviving. In the other he has 100% chance of surviving. In order for the two situations to be statistically equivalent you have to get hit enough times for the damage to average out. That can't happen if you are dead.
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