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Copyright Infringement Problems


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Hey guys,

So last night i downloaded 3 mods: Wars in Skyrim IV, Warzones--Civil Unrest, and Darksiders Swords.

This morning i received an email from my internet provider telling me i had a copyright infringement happen on my IP address. However, the thing they are notifying me about I didn't download. Here is the file I "downloaded:"


File Name: The.Elder.Scrolls.V.Skyrim.High.Resolution.Texture.Pack.DLC-RELOADED


Do any of the three mods i downloaded have that within them? I know I can get the high res pack off steamworkshop but i chose not to because I didn't think my computer would be able to keep up. So I didn't purposefully download the high res pack. But it might have been in one of those three so i'm trying to figure out which one so I can get rid of it.

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No, none of the mods on this site contain 3.4GB worth of the optional HR texture pack. What is listed there is pirated and illegal. Someone at your residence downloaded it, most likely from a torrent site. If you absolutely did not download it, then you better ask everyone in the household if they did, and make sure your wireless network is secured if you have one. Having heard this story a multitude of times, I find this highly suspect since theres really no reason to download an illegal version of what you can get for free from official sources.
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well it might be free on steam, but people on... those websites... aren't allowed to redistribute the content. So it still is against copyrights.


This. Though I understand if someone might make the mistake of thinking that something cannot be pirated if it is free (and I think the Steam version is available only for registered owners of Skyrim, not sure since my comp can't handle it so I never got it). Just delete the file and redownload from Steam. And then really ditch that ISP.

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Comcast sent our family a letter like that once >.> Verizon apparently does not give out customer info without a court order. Much more privacy but my parents would never go for it. not that I need it though. I cannot be bothered to buy any new games when they are all crappy sequels. Like seriously, haven;t any of you noticed the lack of originality or creativity presently? Main stream gaming is as repetitive and ugly as main stream music. The top 40 will play until your ears bleed, and CoD, Halo, MoH, GoW and a ton of other war based games all have the same exact gameplay with a tiny bit different plot :P
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Uhm his provider checks the files he downloads and you people act as if this is the most normal thing ever? You live in Northern Korea or did i miss something?


"the thing they are notifying me about I didn't download." sounds more like a spam/fishing mail...

Edited by ghosu
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In the wake of the SOPA/PIPA/Megaupload scare I wouldn't be surprised if some ISP's are getting a bit overzealous. Still, this kind of blatant spying on their customers should not be tolerated.


@sidewayspenguin I would start by good old fashioned file search - just enter the name of the file, or any part of it, for example "reloaded" might work.


And as Ghosu said, it might just be spam. If you don't find the file through file search, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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