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[LE] Copy player equipped items to a conjured NPC?

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I have a custom NPC that is summoned through custom conjuration spell.

What I'm trying to do is create a script that will copy the player's currently equipped items and add them to the conjured NPC when the spell is cast and that NPC appears. Alternatively, if that is not possible, I would at least like to make a script that will add items to the conjured NPC based on the item ID codes.

I know that the Tricker spell in Lost Grimoire mod does something like this, but I am not familiar with papyrus so I'm not sure how to reverse engineer that script.

Any tips?

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Just some ideas...


With SKSE you can try using GetWornForm to obtain armor that the player is currently wearing then add a new instance of the base form to the NPC.


Without SKSE you might have to keep a running tally of what objects have been equipped by the player. OnObjectEquipped to obtain forms to add to a formlist or array and OnObjectUnequipped to obtain forms to remove from a formlist or array. Then when needed add one of each base form in the formlist or array to the NPC.

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