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No sound when shouting, no sword swings?


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Apparently there's a problem with installing Skyrim on an external HDD....


I don't always hear sword swings, and also my player's voice doesn't really come through a lot of the time.



I found one source,


One guy said this, "If you're experiencing missing audio like this and this fix is only partially working or not working at all, then check to see if you're running the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch (USLEEP) or any other mod that adds/edits the uMaxSizeForCachedSound= .ini variable. If so, then try deleting that variable and seeing if some or all of your sounds return.", although I don't know what he means. Can someone explain what that means.


Although at least one person here installed Skyrim to C: already, anyway.


Curious if anyone knows about this, and also, would be able to explain what the guy I quoted means. Would trying to mount my HDD onto my computer's C: drive work? I can try moving this onto my C:/ drive but really don't want to go through that. I would want to try other solutions first.

Edited by Cowgoesmoo3
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Idk how to fix this but I have something that may be the sollution for you. Right click Skyrim on Steam, go to Properties, press local files and just click on "Verify integrity of game files". If you ever had a sound changing mod it could have been a mod which overwrited the original sound files for the sword swing and shouting and will be restored when doing this.


Hopefully this works for you.

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