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no textures/models everything is blue and gray


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i unsubscribed from "overpowered enchants" from steam workshop


because i realise it was clashing with unlimited enchants preventing unlimited enchants from actually being unlimited it only gave me a max of 4 enchants on 1 item


then this crap happens when i go back into skyrim



the eyes from underworld movie mod for dawngaurd and the spiderwebs and the meridia laser beams in her temple are the only things visible


i got 4k dungeon mod it was causing some invisible see through areas throughout this dungeon but that was minor compared to this s*** and i didn't even touch that mod or anything relating to that mod

everything was working fine before i removed overpowered enchants


i just found that dawnguard and skyrim esm is disabled??? and tes5edit is giving an error when i try to enable them

i reenabled them already in nmm but loot and tes5edit show they're disabled

is this the cause of this dungeon exploding


skyrim launcher found dawnguard was disabled as well


all of this happened after unsubscribing from overpowered enchants

Edited by skannerz22
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1st, I am guessing that you did the removal of the mod, while still in a game?


... it is not a good idea to remove a mod during a game, and if you choose to do it. Use NMM to turn it OFF first ( disable ) and see what happens?


Reason: Some mods have such a cause/effect that it will wreck havoc on a game.


Now for the answers of possible solution.




1st - Go back and get the mod you removed. Install it and you might have to go backwards to the prior saved game, where this mod was active and your game was working nicely. This is actually the easiest path to take.


But - IF - you really do not want the mod mentioned:


> Again, please back up all your saved game files, into a different directory. I cannot stress this enough.


1st - Start a brand new game, yes sorry, you have to see if your game is corrupted, because you removed the mod? In the new game fast travel to the above location.

... Is the corruption gone?


If yes, : then 1 of 2 things can be done:


1 - Just start a new game, without the afore mentioned mod and move forward.


2 - I doubt this will be fruitful, but every once and a while, this can work. But do not hold your breath.

.. Go back to your oldest saved game and see if the corruption is gone? IF you should find a prior saved game that works, start from there ... but I must warn you: The corruption could stick it's ugly head at some point, as you have no idea when the mod corruption was created where it NEEDS the afore mentioned mod.


BOTTOM LINE: Do not be surprised or shocked, if you choose to not just re-install the mod, that you will likely have to just start over.


.. Jj ...

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nevermind i fixed it

verifying steam cache caused random invisible mods to appear in nmm no idea why(just some seperate problem i got no idea what causes it) but i kind of fixed that by merging mods


then i had to reclean all the offical skyrim dlc and update in tes5edit

and all that seemed to of fixed my game everything in the dungeon is back to normal


read the comment below

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i kept forgetting to turn floatpointrender back on in skyrim pref

so i f*k**ing do that with the number 1


go back into skyrim


and my dungeon is has become retarded again back to blue and gray??????????????

all because i turned floatpointrender on

Edited by skannerz22
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i have to reinstall skyrim

skyrim launcher keeps disabling skyrim and update esm files that's probably why the blue and gray exists because skyrim is running without update and skyrim esm being enabled

enabling via nmm doesn't fix it

Edited by skannerz22
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