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Start over with same character, Possible?


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A noob question probably asked plenty of times.

Is there a way to start over with the same character? (if possible, keeping stats and inventory)

Or probably a way to reset all quests?


A code method, or editing some script files?


thanks in advance xD

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  • 1 month later...

A noob question probably asked plenty of times.

Is there a way to start over with the same character? (if possible, keeping stats and inventory)

Or probably a way to reset all quests?


A code method, or editing some script files?


thanks in advance xD



same here. :(

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If "starting over" simply means keeping your level, skills, and inventory, you can reset every single quest from the console. The command is "resetquest <questid>". You'll have to dig into the wiki to find all the various IDs for the quests you have done, an dissue this command from the console for each one, individually.


The caveat is that Skyrim is a remarkably fragile game. Just doing what you're supposed to do can break it because many of the quests are poorly coded. I have no idea whether or not the game will actually place quest items back into the world if a quest which has one is reset to Stage 0. If not, then that quest is permanently broken without resorting to console cheats.


This would have to be done on a quest-by-quest basis by the scripts which initiate them, but in my experience, the quest scripts in this game do not generally place quest items. They're there from the beginning of the game (which is why you can find them and pick them up, frequently bugging the quests) even before you have the related quests. This means that most, if not all, quests that involve quest items will be broken if you've completed them and then reset them to Stage 0. You would be able to receive the quest, but not finish it, because the quest item you need will not be available in-game, unless it's one of those items that the developers forgot to remove from your inventory when the quest is turned in (yes, they did that -- all too often).

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I don't know why you'd want to restart the same toon, but the simple answer is no. You can console in each individual quest to restart. To batch them all would take a little bit of time and effort and I am still not sure the main quest would restart, I think it would only set the quest pointer to its unstarted position.


Showracemenu was a command usable in the console, but since about the 4th patch, it alters your characters looks and plays havoc on the race, stats and racial bonuses. I just did a mod search and found none that do what you would like to accomplish. Since you probably wont be able to do it with this toon , on your next, save screen shots of the slider locations in case you want to remake the future ones.


Sorry I can't help out further on this. You might post this request to the Mod Request forum. We have incredibly talented modders at Nexus. Maybe one will pick up your banner and make it happen.

Edited by Brandy_123
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hi jacey04/ECCHiDUCK, just to add to what these knowledgable kind folks suggested, you could also use console command:

player.showinventory ;and also, target followers(s), showinventory, and make note of just the critical item id's or the exact item name

in the lists for things you want to spawn back for your new character/followers (PgUp/PgDn to scroll thru the lists).


For your newly created game character use console, player.additem ID# Qty# .

If you change the mods or ESP's in any way before starting your new game then the hex id values might change; so,

you'll need to use console, help "item name" to search for the revised item id's (usually the first 2 digits change).


To make all this easier, create a simple batch text notepad file called 'stuff' or something and list all the items in it like this:

player.additem ID# Qty#

player.additem ID# Qty# etc..

save the 'stuff' file into your \SKYRIM folder (not \data); then, in the new game use console, bat stuff (or maybe 'bat stuff.txt') to run the batch.

You'll need to re-enchant and temper these fresh items if necessary.


For skills, go to your current character's skills page and look at the names of the skills in the trees you want back in the new game.

Refer to this page for specific skill id's: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Skills

use console, player.addperk <perk ID> , to add skills back in the new game (some might be level dependant).

same procedure goes for using addspell, setav, setlevel.. also possible to add back permanent effects, blessings, etc

a lot of the console codes are listed here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console


not to sound preachy or anything; but, without maintaining rpg selfdiscipline,

re-adding too many perks/items overpowers your character ruining gameplay as originally intended.

it is harder to keep things balanced/challenging then simply/pointlessly overpower your dovahkiin. :facepalm:

Edited by xlcr
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  • 1 year later...

A noob question probably asked plenty of times.

Is there a way to start over with the same character? (if possible, keeping stats and inventory)

Or probably a way to reset all quests?


A code method, or editing some script files?


thanks in advance xD



Hello, same issue, I had told her to wait and she was still waiting there.....


to fix I loaded a previous save with er found her PRID by clicking on her, reloaded my last save the consoled


player.moveto 04002b74


this brought me to her location now skyrim does something to make the prids listed slightly different in-game as to the wiki, the prid I have listed is what my game id's serana as.


I had tried to make a new one but she was broken and was kill-able but would not talk to me. besides the regular "what" "you need something".


Good luck.

Edited by Guest
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  • 4 months later...

I also need help with this one, need clean save for amazing follower tweaks. I can't help with this one really. Is there some long permutation or combination ID like Mass Effect that you can find and then substitute in the new game perhaps?

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If you are having problems with AFT, just dismiss all of your followers, quit the game, uninstall the mod, load the game, save, then re-install the mod (you will see AFT updating the factions in the upper left-hand corner) and everything should be fine. You may lose custom gear you equipped any followers with, but unless it's high level gear the trade-off is worth it having AFT work as intended again.

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If you are having problems with AFT, just dismiss all of your followers, quit the game, uninstall the mod, load the game, save, then re-install the mod (you will see AFT updating the factions in the upper left-hand corner) and everything should be fine. You may lose custom gear you equipped any followers with, but unless it's high level gear the trade-off is worth it having AFT work as intended again.

I think I tried uninstalling it. The issue was being unable to have more than one follower, using the tweak commands and sometimes dismissal of followers (although the last might have been specific to UFO mod). Also, I can't get Janessa (dunmer in the huntsman lodge whtrn) to become a follower. Her ass stays in her chair. Dialogue options are normal. Thanks!

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