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A request for an armor set


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So many of you know that since Skyrim has kicked off many, many mods have been introduced. For instance, it did not take long at all before a World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King armor set with frostmourne came out. But to those of us who remember the glory days of Dragonlance, we know that the rich characters from those books deserve a place within Skyrim.


Lord Soth of Draggard Keep was once a glorious paladin, a fabled "Knight of the Rose", who gained fame and glory for his noble deeds. However, within his heart, Lord Soth kept a dangerous truth of his secret affair with an elven girl, a strict taboo of his order. Finally being discovered after killing his own wife and sneaking the very pregnant evlen girl into his castle, he was attacked. In a last moment of clarity Lord Soth killed the elven girl, blaming her for his fall from grace, at the same time his castle was set ablaze. The God of Death, gleefully watching this episode take place, did not allow Lord Soth to die in the raging fires... rather become undead... Constantly tormented of his fall from grace he is forced to wear the charred remains of his once glorious gold and silver armor that held his beloved orders symbol, the red rose. Over time, Lord Soth's shame turned into anger and bitterness as all feelings of emotion left his body, he had thus become the Death God's champion, an unstoppable force of evil with the ability to raise the dead at whim...








Of all the characters in the Dragonlance world, I believe Lord Soth of Draggard Keep, fallen Knight of the Rose, deserves justice.


[EDIT] I believe the basic armor structure of this set is already, in a sense, in the game..its just the design that needs to be imprinted onto the armor itself along with the helmet...


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  • 4 months later...
Just to let you know The Lich King and FM were in oblivion and were just a simple conversion to bring over. As were a lot of the mods for Skyrim. Its not really just "easy" to make models they take time, lots and lots of time. Just thought I should clarify this.
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