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Why does everybody hate me?


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This happened to me in Riverwood, as well. Come to find out: I killed the damned Deer/Elk near the town's eastern entrance (by the bridge) in sight of guards. Apparently, they were fond of that deer/elk and decided to kill me over it.


Make sure not to kill wildlife too near towns. I think some wildlife might be a member of the town's faction in order to keep it there and peaceful. This of course would make killing it count as a crime against the town.

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Good point BlackCompany!


I think my game must be corrupted. I have 17 dragon souls but only 2 shouts are available for use. Scrolls never work, neither does flame atronach, ritual stone, nor healing (magic). :wallbash:

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Good point BlackCompany!


I think my game must be corrupted. I have 17 dragon souls but only 2 shouts are available for use. Scrolls never work, neither does flame atronach, ritual stone, nor healing (magic). :wallbash:


For your first problem, do you have saved games from back when you were in the Embassy? If so, I'd go back and check to see what, if any, bounties you have out on you. (Doing this from memory: Click escape to get to the menu, click general stats in heading, click crime on the left.). I've started checking my crimes on a regular basis, especially after doing certain things just to make sure I don't have a bounty out on me.


Also, when in a town, if the guards start attacking you, simply put away your weapon and they should stop and give you a choice of paying your bounty or going to jail.


For your shouts issue, I apologize if you already know this, but you have to manually unlock shouts by spending a dragon soul. Select the shout from your magic menu (P key), and then click "unlock". I forget which key is the default, but it'll show you on the bottom. You'll then be prompted to spend a dragon soul.


This isn't necessarily intuitive, since the first two shouts (Unrelenting Force and Whirlwind Sprint) are given to you and you're not required to unlock them.


Hope this helps.

Edited by ZvS
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Thanks for your excellent reply ZvS! You solved my shouts issue and according to my crimes log I'm wanted almost everywhere for picking locks.

I'm still stuck on the Embassy issue because that useless bartender didn't bring my equipment and Delphine stole the rest.

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Trying to get my head around why flame atronach no longer works. I know you can only use it once per day (game day) but this has been going on for a week now. Do I need to have a stock of fire salts? I already have 14 in stock so I doubt that's the cause.
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"player.setcrimegold 0" The possible solution to all your problems.


What is that supposed to do please Throsby?

I just tried it and checked my crime stats but there has been no change to the bounty count. This girl is wanted everywhere!

In fact, last night I was in Dawnstar. I walked past a guard and instead of his usual stupid comments he uttered one about me being a petty thief. o_O

Edited by AleCuneo
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Thanks for your excellent reply ZvS! You solved my shouts issue and according to my crimes log I'm wanted almost everywhere for picking locks.

I'm still stuck on the Embassy issue because that useless bartender didn't bring my equipment and Delphine stole the rest.


You might want to open a post within the "Spoilers" section, since we're getting into a grey area here. I'll put my next question and comment in a spoiler tag just to be safe, but if we need additional follow-ups let's do it in on the "Spoilers" board.




Is the bartender at the embassy when you get there? After you create a distraction, he'll escort you to a back room in the kitchen area and your items should be in a chest there.




I'll keep an eye out on the Spoilers board to see if you open anything there.

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You might want to open a post within the "Spoilers" section, since we're getting into a grey area here. I'll put my next question and comment in a spoiler tag just to be safe, but if we need additional follow-ups let's do it in on the "Spoilers" board.




Is the bartender at the embassy when you get there? After you create a distraction, he'll escort you to a back room in the kitchen area and your items should be in a chest there.




I'll keep an eye out on the Spoilers board to see if you open anything there.


I can't find the spoilers board. :confused:




In answer to your question, yes the bartender is there and yes I did create a distraction and disappear with him into the backroom that leads off of the kitchen. He points to the chest telling me my equipment is there and to hurry up as he has to get back before he is missed. However, the chest is empty. I was forced to improvise in order to complete the quest, and as mentioned previously, when returning to the stables to meet Delphine and get my gear back she was not there. I had to go to the bar at Riverwood to find her and that was when everyone began attacking me ...including Delphine. She didn't want the dossiers she had me get at the embassy; she just wanted to kill me and steal my stuff. I'm sure the game is not supposed to go like this but at the same time it must have been programmed into the game by Bethesda because the game is not equipped with its own artifcial intelligence.



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