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Open the console by pressing the Tilde key I.E this ~ then type help followed by whatever word that may or may not work (In this case Widowmaker) and see if any search results appear in the console.


Once you see any results look for the one that has to do with the aforementioned outfit then type into the console "player.additem *insert ID here* 1"

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Open the console by pressing the Tilde key I.E this ~ then type help followed by whatever word that may or may not work (In this case Widowmaker) and see if any search results appear in the console.


Once you see any results look for the one that has to do with the aforementioned outfit then type into the console "player.additem *insert ID here* 1"

Thank you, I'll try that.

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Open the console by pressing the Tilde key I.E this ~ then type help followed by whatever word that may or may not work (In this case Widowmaker) and see if any search results appear in the console.


Once you see any results look for the one that has to do with the aforementioned outfit then type into the console "player.additem *insert ID here* 1"

Thank you, I'll try that.


Eh, I tried it but I got no results, anything else you suggest I try?

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It says it is a Bodyslide mod. Check your Bodyslide to see if new entries have been added for it, and you can hopefully find what the mod author has named it. Then you can attempt the help command with better luck, hopefully.


This may not work, but it is a start. I recall an old mod I had where all of the armor had cyrillic names and unsearchable.

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It says it is a Bodyslide mod. Check your Bodyslide to see if new entries have been added for it, and you can hopefully find what the mod author has named it. Then you can attempt the help command with better luck, hopefully.


This may not work, but it is a start. I recall an old mod I had where all of the armor had cyrillic names and unsearchable.

New entries have been added to bodyslide, why didn't I think of that before! Also, I don't recall you mentioning a help command, but I'll try what I can.

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Open the console by pressing the Tilde key I.E this ~ then type help followed by whatever word that may or may not work (In this case Widowmaker) and see if any search results appear in the console.


Once you see any results look for the one that has to do with the aforementioned outfit then type into the console "player.additem *insert ID here* 1"

Thank you, I'll try that.


Eh, I tried it but I got no results, anything else you suggest I try?



Checked this out for myself by typing "help widowmaker" and got several results pertaining to that. And yeah i just noticed it's a craftable armor as well. Ah well at least you're able to craft it. Enjoy :)

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