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Crash 9/10 times on start-up


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So ever since the CK finally came out when I try to start my game (only recently) it will literally crash 9/10 times (will be successful the first time then 9 times it'll fail then it'll repeat) . Since this is really weird/unique thing and I couldn't find it anywhere (other than fixes I have done since I got the game) . I have NOT gotten any new mods since I just got FONV and bin playing that while waiting for some cool mods to come out from CK . I did get that stupid "high quality DLC" but I removed it since it conflicted with other texture mods that I prefer over this texture pack and it makes some realllyyy funny looking textures (I've the "sexy whiterun, riften, etc." series along with rock, road, building, grass, tree, pretty much everything is re-textured) But now I'm experiencing this reall weird friggin bug =/


Any suggestions ? My game is still playable it's just really annoying if I have to close it down for what ever reason and plan on coming back . Then I have to wait 20 minutes for it to stop crashing before I can play .

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If you have the CD I would definitely recommend a clean install of your game. Something has to be broken. If you don't have a CD I would check file integrity through steam and than perform a clean install if that doesn't help. It may be a pain but it could fix your problem and I am sure the time it takes to download is much better than a 90% crash rate.
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