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[LE] Adding Self Delivery Effect to Aimed Spell

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Spell Property AAAdummyspell001 Auto



Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)







This is what I tried. AAAdummyspell001 is self delivery spell I made for my aimed spell. The script saved fine, but didn't do anything ingame. Anyone see the problem.?

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Spell Property AAAdummyspell001 Auto



Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)







This is what I tried. AAAdummyspell001 is self delivery spell I made for my aimed spell. The script saved fine, but didn't do anything ingame. Anyone see the problem.?

I think this is because cast() only works for aimed spells. Or perhaps you need to specify a target, so the spell wont just cast in a random direction. AAAdummyspell001.cast(akTarget, akCaster)


If this magic effect you want to apply to the player is set to constant, self delivery, and it's assigned to a spell that's an ability. Use this:



Scriptname WC_AddSpell extends activemagiceffect
{Adds the spell to who ever casts this one.}

Spell Property SpellToAdd Auto
{The spell to add.}
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	akCaster.AddSpell(SpellToAdd) ;If the spell is an ability, it will instantly begin. Otherwise it will just add it to their list of spells.




If for some reason this still isn't working, then replace akCaster with Game.GetPlayer(). Just remember to not let other NPCs use it, for it will only act on the player.

Edited by smashballsx88
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Scriptname AAAnewscript001 extends activemagiceffect


Spell Property AAAdummyspell001 Auto



Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)





This is what I tried after the akCaster didn't work. I set the dummymagiceffect to constant,self, and set the dummyspell to ability, but still in the game when I cast the fireblast no magic effect occurs.. no dummymagiceffects, no dummyspells,


The script saved fine, but I don't understand why the magic effect doesn't occur. The script is made in the magic effect of fireblast, and it's correct right?

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Scriptname AAAnewscript001 extends activemagiceffect


Spell Property AAAdummyspell001 Auto



Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)





This is what I tried after the akCaster didn't work. I set the dummymagiceffect to constant,self, and set the dummyspell to ability, but still in the game when I cast the fireblast no magic effect occurs.. no dummymagiceffects, no dummyspells,


The script saved fine, but I don't understand why the magic effect doesn't occur. The script is made in the magic effect of fireblast, and it's correct right?

I am probably gonna need some more information. An ability still needs a duration, or you need to disable it's duration in the magic effect settings, that's all I can think of off the top of my head. Also, put down some traces and perform multiple tests. Using trace messages in your script will print them in the papyrus logs, this way you can see if the effect actually starts or ends, or whatever you need to check.

Edited by smashballsx88
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I also tried at self spell, but still didn't work as same as the aimed spell. That means the script is not well applied. But thanks for the effort anyway :wink:

Well, not only did I get both versions of the script to work, I even have something that is similar to what you are doing. The script isn't the issue, it's something about the Magic Effect or Spell's settings causing it to not function. I would visit the wiki and read up on how magic effects work, and how the Archetypes interact with their spell settings.


EDIT - Oh ... I am glad you figured it out, lol.

Edited by smashballsx88
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