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Tribute to Alienslof


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Heed the words of the op, if you go negative and attack Alienslof, the report will be the least of your worries.


The community lost a great friend and a generous modder yesterday. This wonderful lady gave us many great assets for the Elderscrolls games and it was lost due to harassment and homophobia.


As I have stated many times, if you have nothing positive or constructive to add to the discussion, then please don't post.




TO: einhander888


A very nice thought to show community support for our friend.

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When I went to Alien Slof's site yesterday to download some mods, I found it empty of them (even ones hosted by herself!). I wondered, "What the heck?"


Then today, I saw a post on the Forums about her leaving Oblivion Modding forever. I was very disappointed and sad. I didn't even get to download some of my favorite mods! :(



So, if you read this Alien Slof: We all miss you, and we want you to come back! Just ignore those trolls and flamers! They don't know anything about all the hard work that went into the mods you made!



Thank you. That is all.


Devout User of The Forums and Fan of Alien Slof,


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It's just bad the way she has been treated. Even though I did not have any interest in most of her too kinky mods, I knew others did.

I know she puts a lot of work into making her mods and would even at a few occasions take requests if she was interested.

Even if someone would find the mods immoral or something it wouldn't justify the way they have flamed her. In fact can even justify them.

I really hope that those who posted those comment will be IP banned from all pages they have either flamed her or/and downloaded mods.

In any case I hope she continues to mod, and that nothing like this will happen to any of the other great modders out there.

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I certainly hope she decides to reupload to her own site, at least. It would be a shame for people to miss out on her work.
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Let this be a lesson to everyone.


If you see an offensive comment, report it. It doesn't take very long at all and it's not like you have to explain yourself either as admins are capable of reading too. Simply click the report button and say "jerk alert" which will call upon the admins to hone in on the offending post.


I've handled several reports that dealt with offenses that were over a month ago and I do not know why it took that long before somebody reported them. It's a bit saddning to think of all the people that read such offensive comments and simply pass it by. I don't recall any post, no matter how offensive it was, to ever have more than 2 people report it. So please, do not think that somebody else will take care of it.


If you are not sure about what constitudes constructive criticism, here is a good post on the ESF forums:


Constructive criticism criticizes a proposed idea. Criticism that is directed against one person, be it a modder, another member, an individual developer, a certain moderator or a group effort are all forbidden.

This means that when you voice your concerns, please do so in a way that offers a vehicle for improvement. If you see something going wrong, feel free to say so, but also say something about how to set it right.


It also means that posts that run down other members or factions among the membership who may not agree with you are still out under the rules against flaming and flamebaiting.


LHammonds (File Admin)




I was in the process of writing the following text earlier today on the Bethesda forum but it got locked before I could submit it....and reasonably so:


Well, I give up. My 1st post/thread was out of anger and this post was "supposed" to be a tribute to her as something nice to read but apparently this isn't going to happen now or anytime in the future.


People cannot keep their opinions to themselves when they should and I tend to agree more and more with AlienSlof's actions as being the correct approach.


This has absolutely NOTHING to do with constructive criticism as most modders rarely receive such gifts. It has to do with people opening their mouths when they should remain shut.


Example #1 @ TESNexus

Example #2 @ TESNexus

Example #3 @ TESNexus


Modders don't get paid money. They do so because they want to. I do not know the statistics of mods created and never released compared to those that are released, but there is a substantial amount of effort that must be made to take a personal mod and make it available to the general public. It's not just saying, "hey, I'll just pop this up on a site and share with others." You have to package the mod into a distributable archive, create a readme with information about the mod, install/uninstall, credits where necessary and permissions for use to protect your work. Then you have to actually go through the process of uploading the file(s), screenshots, answering question after question about the mod, maybe even creating a release (RELz) thread, creating file mirror sites, making patch updates, etc. None of this is required when you keep your mods to yourself.


Now I say unto you, who here thinks they deserve all of this extra work from these modders? ? ? ? ?


* sounds of crickets in the distance *

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Example #3 @ TESNexus


Modders don't get paid money. They do so because they want to. I do not know the statistics of mods created and never released compared to those that are released, but there is a substantial amount of effort that must be made to take a personal mod and make it available to the general public. It's not just saying, "hey, I'll just pop this up on a site and share with others." You have to package the mod into a distributable archive, create a readme with information about the mod, install/uninstall, credits where necessary and permissions for use to protect your work. Then you have to actually go through the process of uploading the file(s), screenshots, answering question after question about the mod, maybe even creating a release (RELz) thread, creating file mirror sites, making patch updates, etc. None of this is required when you keep your mods to yourself.


Now I say unto you, who here thinks they deserve all of this extra work from these modders? ? ? ? ?


* sounds of crickets in the distance *


Hmmm... now please don't get angry at me for this, but I think that banning a Newbie is kind of unfair (Sorelid), when they didn't even have a single Strike against them.


Or is there something I'm missing? :unsure:



Check her site. Some of her files are back up! http://img99.exs.cx/img99/8577/yupi3ti.gif


Huzzah! :biggrin:

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This is something that's been on my mind quite a bit lately, and with the events of the last two days it has become a major issue with me.


[rant] For the mods of this site. There has got to be something else we can do besides reporting. Giskard made a very valid point, no one sticks up for a modder when trolls and flamers go to town, because we can't. We should be allowed to say, and I quote Giskard, "Oy, that's not acceptable!" Modders need to feel that their fans will stick up for them when jackhole trolls pop their nasty little heads up in OUR forums.


I realize you do volunteer your time to keep this site running and I respect that. But we need to do more, we should be able to stick up for the people who put their blood, sweat and tears into making this game better than it was, day after day. I mean, we almost lost one of the most respected modders of this community because no one had the balls to do anything about it until it was too late.


This event has caused Slof to start hosting her own mods, personally, to keep the trolls and flamers out. Can you imagine what would happen if EVERY modder decided to do that? I for one, would personally not want to visit umpteen thousand sites just to grab a handful of mods that interest me. I say again, there has got to be more that we can do.[/rant]



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Hmmm... now please don't get angry at me for this, but I think that banning a Newbie is kind of unfair (Sorelid), when they didn't even have a single Strike against them.


Or is there something I'm missing? :unsure:


There are two sites here, the main site for files and the forums which are symbiotic in nature, but different in what is available therefor different rules apply.


I will answer, if you make one post and it is totally non constructive in nature and causes a disruption to the main site, InstaBan is the proper option. I have done so myself, it sets a hard and fast line that should not be crossed.


The forums are moderated with a little more latitude given to the poster.


Conan_Lon is talking about mod authors and creators of downloadable material.


Not the Moderating Staff

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I completely agree with Thandai. :yes:


It's horrible to just sit there and watch these modders get punished by flamers and trolls! Even if we use the "Report" button! It will just keep happening over and over again.


I think that it would be nice if there were a select group of Users (besides the Moderators) to do this. Mature, responsible people. :sleep:


Thank you. That is all. :thanks:



User of The Forums and Reporter of Flamers,



Edit: @ Buddah: Oh. Okay. I did not know there was an "Insta-Ban." :no:



P.S. Sorry for the late post! I guess that's what I get for typing on my iTouch... :whistling:

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