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Thief hideaways, stashes, and quick exits. Nothing fancy.


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The only homes for thieves I've been able to find just don't suit me. Either they're way too extravagant, or they're not hidden well enough for, well, a hidden hideout to hide in.


I have better cities installed, so maybe it's not possible to do it inside cities, I don't know. But even if there's just little places scattered about the wilderness, that'd be cool. Especially for roleplaying, and if you have a needs mod installed for a place to hunker down and sleep safely. Speaking of Better Cities, if someone is able to work with Better Cities to make some exits to get away from those pesky guards, that'd be absolutly amazing, and I'll be praising your name for all eternity. Because all the mods I've found are incompatible with it...


What I'm really looking for is for them to be discrete. Located in places you wouldn't notice unless you know where to look. Maybe they're not "owned" and are Thief Guild safe houses for all the members who may have gotten in a sticky situation, and once you're in the thief guild there's notes laying about with vague hints on where to find them. It always bugs me to have hidden hideouts immediately accessible. It'd be a lot more fun to puzzle out the locations. With some well placed clues or riddles.


Obviously if they're just little hideouts they're probably made to be temporary, without safe storage and sparsely furnished. Probably just a bedroll, and some containers with useful things such as lockpicks(respawnable, since fellow thieves leave some stuff occasionally for brethren in need), and maybe a few other little features that would fit in. Like, outside the cities you'd find a large hollow tree, or a small hidden cave behind a waterfall or some rocks. That kinda stuff. Inside cities, if possible to do with Better Cities, maybe a hidden door leading to a small area under some bushes or something.


For stashes it's not a must, but would be a much cherished extra. Good place to hide items in a pinch without running all the way to a player home. Especially if you never use a player home.


There's just not enough thief centered mods out there. I wish the game had implemented more stuff originally, but alas. So now I ask for your help. I really need my thieving fix. :sweat:

Edited by shadowkat678
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The only part I can help with is the safe storage part.


There are quite a few non-respawning chests that can be used in the game, some found outside forts and ruins, and others found elsewhere. There are also some non-respawning barrels.


An example of a barrel is at Fort Empire exterior 2nd floor, behind and to the right of the statue. A chest example is at Talwinque to the right of the entrance behind a rock.


My method for determining if a container is safe for using is to leave a few iron arrows (or some other low value item not commonly found in loot) and then avoid that area for more than three days (so that the cell resets). If your items are still there the container should be safe to use.

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I know there's containers around, I was talking about having them inside a small safe catch, in places that would be where a thief would place them. I saw one mod that added a small space behind a loose brick in the imperial city. But it was only one spot. It's more about immersion for me.
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Holy....how did I not see this? I've searched for hours!

Does it conflict with leveling mods? Also, it doesn't seem to have been updated since 2013. Do you think there'll be any incompatibilities with Better Cities now? Because it said 5.4 and up, but BC is at version 6.0.7. And I don't see any comment about it.

Edited by shadowkat678
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Not sure either, but since it said and up, it wouldn't hurt to try, unless you aren't using Blood & Mud, check the mod's desc.


As for leveling mods, you might want to get this version, but there's no info regarding whether it's compatible with BC or not:



If it does turn out to be incompatible, take a look at this:


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