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ENB Not Dark Enough, Help.


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I followed this guide to the letter with some exceptions to additional 'non native' content, http://www.skyrim-beautification-project.com/mods/mods/index.htm before installing any mods that I wanted that wasn't on the list. However, I did not install any other mods that affect lighting or textures, aside from armor/weapon textures. I also followed this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv3YF5OjeBg That shows how to adjust brightness levels with the 'Shift + Enter' ENB menu. I cannot, for the life of me, get anything darker, nor brighter, by adjusting said settings. Things are a bit too bright for me especially in caves, making things like torches, mage/candle light and night vision completely useless, and I want to use them. Any thought on how I can adjust brightness settings or something within that guide that may be affecting my ability to do so? Thanks for your time :)

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Neither link seems to tell me what specific ENB you're using. The second link is broken by the way. My best guess by looking at the first link is that you're trying to use Project ENB. The thing is though, I don't see any preset files on that website - but I'm also not familiar with that website.

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hi Wicked,

Just had a unexpected experience trying to fix some stutters (1Gb V-Ram). I installed Mindflux fix for bright objects http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1499

And that changed light and reflection, no blinding (at least less) & dark corners are dark. I use the ENBoost injector and everytime i try to add or set ENB effects it starts stuttering - not this, better now - i even dressed my Girls in zzjays Witcher3Armor and use up to 2K tex repl. ALL FINE.

Maybe you have done that already, its in the txt of ENB! On a low-end PC it helps alot.

Have fun, bye

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