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in game HOUSE BUILDER /ESTATE AGENT mod sugg/req


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After Seeing/trying the housing mods I thought 'great mods folks '


why not have an in'game Estate agent (in his own house) An employed Builder /s / decorator


if u wanted a house at a specific location in game you could hire these 2 npc to BUILD said house


this house can have any number of rooms, house can be any size small /large/fort size oh and a style ie imperial / nord or styled after cities buildings


you just request the number of rooms an size /style then u select a location on a map


when u visit this location you will see the house in process of being built 'this can be in 5/6 stages' last being decoration' stages depending on size of house


and this ain't free part with that well taken gold either after each stage or all at once once fully paid u get key and pointed to decorations npc


an heres the nice bit for you Modders each/every house can be added to this mod.

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