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Settler auto equip mod


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Is there a mod that lets you stock up a container in each settlement that the settlers will then draw their equipment from? I'm looking to outfit them without having to micromanage too much.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've got this working for weapons and will release it, probably as "Get Equipped", in the not too distant future. Armor is in the works but I need to be able to check the biped slots for armor pieces which I don't think is possible yet.
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While not quite what you are wishing for, there is an easy and flexible alternative to the "settler chest".


Oxhorn came up with a shortcut for equipping his settler:



Look into the video description for the copy/paste stuff. I tried it and it works nicely, It saves me quite a bit of time.


Hope this helps,





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That looks pretty efficient, but I like the idea of having something to do with all my left over loot. I put together a mod that lets you teleport loot back to your settlement as you come across it, without having to do any inventory juggling. It's really convenient but you end up with a ton of stuff to sort through and scrap/sell/distribute/hoard. The settler chest (I think I'm calling it Central Settlement Armory) lets you transfer the accumulated weapons to it with a single menu option, and distributes them automatically.

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I'm currently using some F4SE functions to attempt to calculate damage output for the weapons. The problem is that GetAttackDamage, GetDamageTypes, GetSpeed, and GetAttackDelay sometimes randomly return zero, meaning the weapon's calculated damage is zero and it never gets picked. Also, calculating rate of fire from speed and attack delay isn't very accurate (automatics always seem to get skipped in favor of semi-autos, though that might just be because the damage penalty for an auto receiver outweighs the speed boost.) I'm thinking another way to structure the mod is to have a return container that takes the settler's currently equipped weapon and places it in a junk bin, replacing it with a weapon randomly selected from the equipment chest. This would mean that all weapons that you specify as equipment will have a chance of being equipped, but it won't prioritize for damage. Any thoughts?

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I think the second option sounds best.

it sounds easier to implement and runs less scripts.

it also means that they will take the rifle I want them to have instead of keeping the flamer or missile launcher they picked up somewhere else (I don't like explosives and incendiaries in my settlements).

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I think the second option sounds best.

it sounds easier to implement and runs less scripts.

it also means that they will take the rifle I want them to have instead of keeping the flamer or missile launcher they picked up somewhere else (I don't like explosives and incendiaries in my settlements).


That second approach seems to be working, so I've uploaded it. I agree, I think the ability to retrieve weapons from settlers would be a good feature even if I could prioritize weapons by dps. It requires a little bit more micromanagement, or a couple of extra steps anyway, but it's still an improvement over trading with them one by one.

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