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Laggy FO4 GECK


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Hi I just wanted to ask a question


I have a PC that should be more than able to run the geck (i7 6700, 16Gb Ram, GTX1060 3Gb) and im getting a shed load of lag.

It loads up ok but as soon as I try moving the world about in the render box the lag starts, I can get as far as the sanctuary bridge

and then it will become unresponsive.


So my question- is this how it is for every one or is there some thing I can do to help with this or even a Unofficial patch for it?


Thanks in advance :smile:

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  On 7/17/2017 at 3:17 AM, Reconn said:

Hi I just wanted to ask a question


I have a PC that should be more than able to run the geck (i7 6700, 16Gb Ram, GTX1060) and im getting a shed load of lag.

It loads up ok but as soon as I try moving the world about in the render box the lag starts, I can get as far as the sanctuary bridge

and then it will become unresponsive.


So my question- is this how it is for every one or is there some thing I can do to help with this or even a Unofficial patch for it?


Thanks in advance :smile:


That's just how the CreationKit is. Just imagine how bad it is on a *not good* machine :sick:


The bottleneck isn't cpu or graphics. It's just how the internal workings of how it loads stuff. If you monitor the memory usage and look at the bottom of the main window you'll notice it say it's loading other cells when you start to move around. That's when it gets really sluggish. If the cell data is loaded rotating and moving around goes pretty snappy. Beware if you move around too much in worldspace and load a lot of cells your memory usage will be really high. I had it trying to allocate more than 9.5gb of ram once.




I'm running with 16gb of ram. If I close down chrome and some other applications CK will use as much as 12gb ram. I'm sure it would use even more if I could free it up but the memory manager of Windows start paging stuff out and CK starts releasing stuff in an attempt to be "friendly". Though that just causes it to slow down more if you have to re-load the data.


And before you think using the layers to adjust the visibility of assets is helpful, while it does impact slightly while you're editing, it has no impact on the initial loading performance.


Be aware that any texture mods you have installed (as loose files) will also affect the performance.

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File > Preferences > render window > grids to load - I would lower this to 2 when working in heavy areas, it resets when you close the application (or it did for me). There's also View > Current Cell Only.

I also advise against extract files into your game directory or else the game and CK will try to load those above the ba2 files. I have a copy of all files somewhere else, and that helped significantly.

Apart from those, I didn't really get stable functionality with little lag/no crashes until I got a SSHD when my HDD burnt out. My specs are lowers than yours though.

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The biggest help for me was to turn off the load cells from tender window. You can have 5-9 cells and have plenty to work on. There was also an nvidea setting but I can't remember now, not at home but something about pre-processing.


Oh and if all else fails make the tender window smaller. Helps a lot.


BTW, 3gb or 6gb?

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I did consider the cell load as I think I remember some thing in the previous versions (FO3, Skyrim) having a cell load of around 9 with that being more than manageable on a much weaker pc than this one (2nd gen i5-sandybridge). I really hope these suggestions work for me else the prospect of making any mods is fairly slim :sad:


Anyways thanks for the info, reply's and help guys, I will check these out and try them and drop a line back here about results for thoughs that want to know plus for any one else to who wants to get info on the subject.


oh and Goffender its the 3Gb version as I ran out of pennys and dimes so could not get the 6Gb

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Did a little changing of settings and after doing so the FO-GECK is working fine, at about the same level/feel as the FO3/NV was for me, sure its not the smoothest ride with a little lag jerk here and there but it not anoying or intrusive.


Following the advice given above I did this in this order -


Went in the Nvidea settings and changed all I could that was relevant to performance (or off in the case of AA and such)

Changed the Grids to load from 5 to 2 with dropped mem used from 628mb to 549mb

Turned of 'Allow Dynamic Havok in render window'

In water settings turned off 'Constant Update'


Although there is a little delay before the new Grids loads when moving off the edge of the currently rendered world space it is usable.

Getting a near constant 2591mb - 4537mb RAM usage in Sanctuary and the Ram moved up to around 5500mb when moving to RedRocket but got no higher.


There was other things I tested with but they seamed to have no effect either way (ie. Allow Render window cell load, clipping distance, draw world borders), Just wish I could save my preferences between sessions.


Again thanks for help :)

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