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Issue with a mod causing soris to become a rogue.


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I have downloaded a number of mods. I have been very carefull with compatibility, reading every mod i have got to make sure their is no conflict.


I have to many mods to name, but i do have combat tweaks and JX extended mod compilation.


One of the mods i have has changed soris into a rogue from a warrior. Is their is way to find out which mod has done this or a tool to change him back?

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I never encountered such a thing. Believe me when I say it because I have got a lot of mods. There are so many you could say the game lost its originality. To put this back on track, you could try making him a rogue through console command. You can enable console either through modmanager or by following the instruction in this site: Wiki This will destroy any equipped and unequipped items you carry, though. (equiped ones only go for the selected character.) Edited by Jueg
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Well normally any mod that changes the secondary characters will be easy to spot since most tend to include the characters name. My suggestion would be to go through your override folder and seek out any and all soris files. Then by process of elimination, find out which changes his class.
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