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Everything I export comes out pink, what to do?


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I have one simple objective:


1. Import object into 3DS Max

2. Delete part of object I dont want

3. Export object


When I load the object into nifskope, it looks fine.


When I load the object into the creation kit, it is pink, textures appear visible.


I found a post stating that it may have something to do with the BSLightingShaderProperty, but I still don't understand what to do really.


Any ideas?

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When exporting, delete the path it designates in the export dialogue window to the top. (textures)
Doing that will have the exporter use the pre selected texture paths inside the nif when exporting.

Alternatively, open up the NiTriShape, go down to BSLightingShader, expand BSShaderTextureSet and point the texture paths at your textures.

Edited by Di0nysys
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