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Crash on Inventory


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Hello All,

My apologies if this has been posted already; I did not find/see another post like this. (also I just realized it's 2am for me atm... YAY! lol)
Anyway, as the title says I keep having issues of skyrim crashing on me as soon as I try to go into my inventory. I've googled solutions and no one seems to have a fix for it? I have been trying to fix up my skyrim ever since somehow it was 'corrupted' or w/e with the whole issue with skse (I forget exactly, but it would say race config missing or w/e). I have deleted all of my mods, reinstalled skyrim, and then reinstalled my mods all today, and that message is now gone. However, it leaves me with the current issue of having skyrim auto crash by simply trying to access my inventory. I have tried to organize all of my mods and even use the loot on mod organizer to help. (I prefer to use NMM)
Any ideas on how to stop my game from crashing every time I try to go into my inventory? I'm at a severe loss... I never had issues before and I'm very new at all of this. Sadly.

My thanks, in advance, to all who are willing to help.


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