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Can't find TESV file to launch SKSE [noob problem]


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This feels like I'm overlooking a very basic problem. My mods barely work when launching Skyrim from it's own launcher, but the SKSE launcher gives the "Can't find TESV.exe' prompt.

The problem is that I can't find this file anywhere, in none of my folders, not even a broad search on my entire C drives shows anything.

The extensions are shown, so that's not the issue. I Googled for this and it seems people eventually always find the TESV file. I do have a "SkyrimSE" launcher, however. Could this be the file that is just renamed in the new version?


I also attempted to change the TESV in my skse.ini file to SkyrimSE.exe, yet I also don't have that file. I know you can create it yourself, but I've no clue what to write in it to make it launch from the SkyrimSE executable.



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You need to install Skyrim to use SKSE and Skyrim mods.

As you only have SkyrimSE.exe, that means you have the Special Edition installed, which is a different game. There is no SKSE for it yet, and mods for it are here.

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You need to install Skyrim to use SKSE and Skyrim mods.

As you only have SkyrimSE.exe, that means you have the Special Edition installed, which is a different game. There is no SKSE for it yet, and mods for it are here.

Wow I feel stupid now.

So basically the only thing I need to do is look for SE-specific mods?


Thank you anyway, for taking the time to even reply!

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