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was asked by a staff member a while back why think bill Orilley was in any way watchable and I remember giving a wise ased comment that seems to get me through some times in my life that I really wasn't into thinking about why I do stuff. After I started driving that day, I began to put together a reason that I still had been watching the guy, and for the life of me, I couldn't come up with one ironclad reason for even turning him on.


I know that I user to watch Fox news a lot and then they became too political for me. I think Clinton was still in office is when I started getting away from them, and then they started bringing in every Republican known to man and always put foreword the idea that they were fair and balanced, while they did the same thing they were saying the other networks. I slowly slide away from them because of the leanings and started watching other programs, but I always thought better of O'Rilley.


To the question I was asked about liking him, I simply have no answer and I listened the other night and really paid attention and to tell you the truth, the feeling I once got from him wasn't there anymore and I'm not so sure it was ever there. I think I just tuned in because I was used to doing so and just continued, like an animation. Just mindlessly going through the motions.


I was wondering if any of you have anything you do simply because you've always done them, or do you have anything that you are nostalgic about, and anything that you collect


I love the Three Stooges and I like war memorabilia, like WWII. I also have a West German Guard hat from before the wall fell.


I was once into Dungeons and Dragons and I got pretty good at painting little lead figurines of monsters and creature.

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To be honest I watch fox news and CNN and switch between the two, though being a libertarian I get far less irritated watching fox. In the last five years they have actually gotten much, how should I put this..More balanced. They almost always bring on a panel of two democratic minds, and two republican minds and then have the host ask question which then the four discuss. When they have a talk show like Sean Hannity (who I personally cannot stomach) but I forgive them for his presence because it is an opinionated talk show. He is allowed to say what he wants and doesn't have to have someone there to challenge him if he doesn't want to. Its also for that reason that I simply won't watch it. Never-mind the complete boot-licking of George H.W. Bush.


CNN on the other hand always has the more liberal view. So really its a matter of choice and which side of the political spectrum you want to align yourself with. I got no problem with your views if you don't have a problem with mine.


Bill O'Reilly in my opinion is a respectable guy. I am not sure what "feeling" you are trying to describe, but its sort of irrelevant. He is not trying to win a popularity contest, he is as he says, trying to look out for all Americans. Which in my opinion, I actually believe he is.


With all this said, I must add. I do not put much stock in any one thing that any news outlet puts out. The smart media consumer finds information in as many places as possible so that he/she can find the truth behind it all. If you watch any one news channel and just keep nodding your head at everything they say, without looking up info for yourself, then you are a sheep.

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