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Can't get value modifying spells to work...

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Maybe I'm doing something utterly wrong but I can't seem to be able to add buffs with Fire and Forget spells - whether I set them as Peak Value Modifier or Value Modifier, add keywords and dispell keywords or not, tick or untick "recover" in the MagicEffect, nothing works...


Even something as simple as to reproduce the RoastedRadstag effect (fortify carry weight) with a spell doesn't work. Enchantments work fine, potions work fine, just not spells.


I'm trying to add these buffs to the player by a script attached to a ConstantEffect spell - Debug shows that the script runs just fine and the spells are properly added to the player. But the effects never show up.


I found a workaround by attaching these magicEffects to a Potion instead of a spell, and using "PlayerRef.EquipItem(MyPotion)" instead of "PlayerRef.AddSpell(MySpell)". That works just fine. But I'm curious: are there any drastic differences from Skyrim in the way MagicEffects and Spells are set in Fallout 4?


I noticed there's quite a few PeakValueModifier and ValueModifier MagicEffects in the CK which are completely unused by the game - maybe there's a reason...


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Fire and Forget. I've tried it with as various values as the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. ones or damage multiplier for instance.


Debug shows the spell is added, but the called value gets never modded.

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Oh, ok, no, it's not an ability - abilities require the "Constant Effect" flag, don't they?


It's just a FireAndForget, Personal Delivery, flagged with "NoArea" and "Recover" (I've tried both ways anyway). They have a magnitude and a duration - pretty much like the RoastedRadstag Potion, which uses the FortifyStrengthFood MagicEffect, except in this case I removed the Vanilla keywords and added my own set of keywords.

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Actually, not always as far as I can tell. I have a FireAndForget spell casting another FireAndForget spell on the player and both work fine. They both use script-flagged MagicEffects. But when I use ValueModifier instead of Script, the spell does fire but the magicEffect's associated Item does not apply.

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Strange, uh? Used to work perfectly in Skyrim. I guess they've hard-coded the magic system differently in FO4.


Meanwhile, I'm using potions instead of spells to achieve what I want, but it still bothers me to try and understand why some spells, like the WellRested thing for instance, do fire in Vanilla when my spells don't... :ermm:

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