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Making a custom light lit/unlit based on daytim


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At last I did it. Now works perfectly. My mistake was to use getLinkedRef() of my base light. The correct way to lit/unlit all referenced light (of my custom light) is to use directly Disable() and Enable().


So here is my final code, maybe helpful for someone:


Scriptname lightOnOff extends ObjectReference  
{Turn light On or Off depending on daytime}

Event OnCellAttach()

float Function GetCurrentHourOfDay() 
	float Time = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()
Time -= Math.Floor(Time)	
Time *= 24
Return Time

Event OnUpdateGameTime()

function VerifyLight()
       float currentTime = GetCurrentHourOfDay()
       if currentTime>=6 && currentTime<=18


What you need:


- Create your custom light

- Create new script

- Paste the code above


To change timing as you desire, just modify the conditional line.


PS: I've use the event OnCellAttach() to inizialize because OnLoad() does not works...



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PS: I've use the event OnCellAttach() to inizialize because OnLoad() does not works...


Interesting. OnLoad has this cryptic note:


To be clear: For interiors, it often looks like this event fires whenever the player enters the cell. It doesn't. If you leave a cell, the cell may or may not have unloaded by the time you return, which means this event may or may not fire again. If you need a reliable event every time the player enters a cell, try the OnCellAttach Event instead.


Looks to me like the devs wrote the wiki in their usual gibberish. Anyone have a gibberish-to-English dictionary handy?

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It means an interior cell won't necessarily be unloaded when the player leaves it, so you shouldn't rely on OnLoad firing every time the player enters the cell.


If you guys are interested, I put up a light switch script (both automatic and manual versions) on the wiki the other day. The main difference between it and your script is that your script is continually polling game time, whereas my version only polls game time twice per in-game day.



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I'm a bit confused, OnInit is defined in the empty state in that script, and because the scripted object will always be registered for updates or have code running it will remain persistent and shouldn't need to be re-initialised at any point in time, so a single run of OnInit should be enough.


More importantly, I've had confirmation that it works already, so I'm not sure what the difference might be that's preventing it from working for you.



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LOL Cipscis... You have linked my thread on bethesda forums :D. I've forgotten about that thread!

Anyway I guarantee that I'm not trolling you. I've just copy/paste your code and not worked. Changeg to OnCellAttach() and worked. I'm a novice with papyrus scripting but I'm still learning. About OnInit() ... May not work with base object? I've place the script directly to a new light that I've created (light ID: 'LightLanternOfSkyrim')


Anyway I like your idea to update status only two times a day instead of every 15 minutes.


Thank you.

Edited by mannygt
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Don't worry, I don't think you're trolling me. I'm just wondering what could be different between what you've done and what TheMagician did that would stop this from working. More importantly, why OnInit isn't firing.


Did you replace the content of a script that was already attached to the object in the saved game you used to test? If you weren't using a clean save and the script was already attached, then the OnInit event wouldn't be called. If you use a "clean save", then I'd expect it to work.



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