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So I wanted to control how shiny a material is


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I'm making new textures. I have a lot of experience with 3D programs, Blender in particular, and I have a good idea how textures work (diffuse, normalmap, reflection, etc.)


But for some reason I don't know how to add the spec/reflection map so Skyrim SE can read it and apply it to a material, let's say a wooden floor. I can only see wood.dds (diffuse/color map) and wood_n.dds (normalmap).


I looked for it and then I read that I have to add my spec. map into the alpha channel of the normalmap. Well, how do I do that?! I'm using GIMP but I don't mind using any other program as long as it's for free.


Please mind that I'm not that experienced with img editing programs.


Thank you.

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The alpha channel of the normal map (_n) is the specular. Haven't used GIMP in ages but, you need to open the channels window (I guess there's a windows button on the top bar), you'll find the usual RGB, add a forth one (bottom left of the channels tab), activate it and paste your specular in there, then save as DXT5 (supports alpha channel).


This image for example shows the window:



Additionally you could add enviroment mapping. Check this for more info on the shader types and what value controls what: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1188259-bslightingshaderproperty-basics/

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The alpha channel of the normal map (_n) is the specular. Haven't used GIMP in ages but, you need to open the channels window (I guess there's a windows button on the top bar), you'll find the usual RGB, add a forth one (bottom left of the channels tab), activate it and paste your specular in there, then save as DXT5 (supports alpha channel).


This image for example shows the window:



Additionally you could add enviroment mapping. Check this for more info on the shader types and what value controls what: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1188259-bslightingshaderproperty-basics/

Thank you for the info! I will also check the link.

Edited by Anqayas
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