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kann mir jemand helfen? (bitte)


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hallo ich bin vollkommen neu hier im forum und bei der erfahrung mit dem nexus mod manager.

kann mir eventuell jemand helfen, fallout 4 und skyrim special edition-mods zu installieren?

wenns geht würde ich gerne einen deutschen kennenlernen, der sich damit auskennt, den

man auch öfter mal diesbezüglich kontaktieren kann, ich würde hier nicht schreiben und extra

einen thread eröffnen, wenn ich woanders meine chance, hilfe zu bekommen, höher sehe.


der oder diejenigen können mich gerne bei steam adden. ich würde mich freuen, sollte ich

jemanden finden, kann der post hier sofort geschlossen werden, ich entschuldige mich schonmal.



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Howdy gruli97.


There's no problem in looking for help setting up deutsche-sprache mode for your games.

in English version, we hope one day for "better authentic regionalization mods"

so as, we can have other languages in the game too,

so this is a win-win long term hehe.





I digress;

NMM Nexite "lycanthro" may be able to assist you somewhat.


Lycanthro is a 'native german-speaker' as per the request for assistance.

and, Lycanthro plays both Fallout 4 und SkyrimSE.

send Lycanthro a PrivateMessage, and lycanthro may be able to help.


There are also many videogame modders at "Lead-Adventure.de"

who are also members of the NMM forums.

If you cannot find some assistance from NMM, I recommend LeadAdventure.de or ThisWeekInTech/de for

deutsche-sprache support.

you'll get very quick responses that way.



If no other options eventuate, fear not! there's a kludge or two.


there is also the ability to use "add note field" in the mod load list,

and, you can sort by the language used in the note field in your mod!

mod file -> properties -> notes -> add note, type your keywords in german, russian, japanese, any language your operating system allows or has loaded.

then, sort by "note field", or by date added, category etc.

this is a very handy kludge to remember of NMM.

that way, if the mod won't work in a region-locked copy of a game, you can tell more easily.




good luck, and I look forward to seeing some screencaps

when you're up and modding in no-time.

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