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Picture improvements and Image share

Carl S

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Like many others I like to take screenshots now and then. Sometimes I let my PC

go backwards in front of a companion in order to get pictures of the action when

a foe turns up. (takes a lot of beating) I also like to take "portraits" of my PC and

the companions. I prefer to take my screenshots in places with good light conditions

but all pictures can be improved with a little work in Photoshop (or other programs)

In fact I like working in Photoshop and enjoy the results.

Now to my question : Is it considered bad practice to upload improved screenshots

in the Image Share section ?

I would like to know before I upload some - to avoid bad feelings.

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Absolutely not. As long as the shots pertain to the Elder Scrolls, you're fine. Your artistry may be judged, of course. Happy sharing.
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It's an interesting point though. Not that I want to give Dark0ne more headaches by suggesting another catagorization but it would be good to have pics tagged as Photoshopped or not. There are real skills to both but I find it much more of a buzz to make and see images that have been captured using the game alone, cos anyone can do it as long as they have Oblivion and can take a screenie. If I was a ninja-demon Photoshopper with more free time I'd probably try those spectacular images myself. I mean a lot of them are incredible. I just like the fun and surprise of what some people find without needing mad PS skills. Each to their own though. There's room for it all.
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