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Castle Windows


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I have pretty much neglected Fort Independence in previous playthroughs but this time I am going for my ultimate build. But I can't find a way to do anything about the bricked up windows. I could delete them but that would leave an unconvincing hole. Has anyone found a way to fit a convincing window into the hole ?

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score gadget'45

you make awesome settlement builds, so I'm looking forward to seeing it.


are you looking for stained glass decals etc?

that would look AWESOME!

I think there were a few in an upcoming homemaker or Ethreon project from memory...


if it's plain stuff, just use place-anywhere to put a glass pane from Homemaker or the vault-tec bulkhead in there.

it works great!

or, the 'glass sliding door'. one of the institute parts packs adds glass sliding doors, as Petard shows.





you could put 'infinity mirror decals' or flags over them,

it looks neat then.

eventually, it'd be neat to have the ability to open that up,

and have a proper BOS castle there.


If you're building elevators and all,

you could also use any-door-to-any-where,

to doorportal to a new lands interior,

some doorportal mods soonish allow you to see into them from the other side.

window... or, portal to, another dimension? hehe.


you could then have a scaffolding ladder,

and add an exterior 'wing'/'room' that you climb through the window into.

you could put curtains from the Bazaar mod.


or you could put the novelty trapdoors from GreekRage there,

or elevators to the upper level...




anything you want really hehe.

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Hey thanks for the praise, don't think I deserved it !

I spent an hour today going through every possible thing that could serve as a window and finally found "Subway Fence". The mod I use "Castle Rebuilt" allows this one item to clip neatly into the thick walls and it looks really nice.

Here are some pix of my efforts.





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