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What do I need to hook up one speaker system to two consoles?

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i mainly game on my PC, but i also have my PS4 hooked up to my monitor. i usually just have the PS4 sound go through my PS4 Wireless headset, but I think its starting to die. sound isnt as good as it used to be. so instead i plugged my speakers that I use for my PC, into my monitor, and that's something i should have been doing since the beginning. but what do i need to keep both the PC and the monitor/PS4 hooked up to it, so i dont have to keep switching the cable back and forth?


I tried googling it, and came up with a Speaker Switch, but those seem to be one system, multiple speakers, so I wasn;t sure if that would do what I was looking for.


Thanks guys!

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i did a little more research and found that an A/B Audio Switch would also fit my needs.


but then i realized, with my speakers plugged into my monitor for my PS4, that i just had to output the sound on my computer on my monitor too haha. i didnt think DP carried sound. so now im all set without spending a dime


Thanks for your input!

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